#FreeAdviceWednesday Question Of The Week “I have a new man, but I have a business with my ex…”



















Dear AskCheyB,

I’m in a new relationship, everything is going well, we are both entrepreneurs, we create our own schedules, travel when we want, and are enjoying life together. Years before I met him, I was in a relationship with someone else and we had plans on getting married, etc. At the time, I thought it was a good idea to partner with him on a business venture. We’ve since broken up, but we still have this business venture together years after we broke up. The relationship between us is strictly business, but my new boyfriend has a big problem with this. I don’t understand why he doesn’t trust that it’s just business and that it is completely over between my ex and I. Why is this such an issue for him? -Naja S.

A: Thank you for your question. The issue for your new man is that you have not actually broken up with your ex. You are no longer in a committed relationship with him, yes. However, you have not completely broken ALL ties to him, which leaves the door open for him to come back in. Furthermore, your willingness to remain in business with your ex shows that you still have feelings for him.

Your ex chose to do business with you because you are resourceful and herein lies the problem. Since he is your ex, he is no longer deserving of your resources. This is something that should be reserved for your new partner. When a partnership ends, no matter business or personal, you don’t go back to it. It ended for a reason, and this it the time where you close one chapter of your life and open new ones.

With any business partnership, there has to be communication, meetings of the mind, and even face-to-face interaction. This is too much interaction for two people who are supposed to be broken up. The emotional connection that you once had for one another is still there either on his part, your part or both. Either way, it will never make your partner feel confident in you and your decision making for as long as the partnership between you two exists. A “break-up” means no more access. Your ex still has access to you via text, phone, email, and even face-to-face, and because you’re in business with one another, you allow it!

You can’t move onto the next until you’re through with your ex. Your new boyfriend is well within his rights to feel uncomfortable about this arrangement because all men have a motive. No man will go into a business with and remain in business with a woman he was once in a relationship with, without still having the desire to sleep with her. There is a law of attraction, and it’s only a matter of time before another connection will be made between you and your ex. The best way to avoid temptation is simply to avoid temptation.

If your business venture is more valuable than your new relationship, by all means keep it. Know that by keeping this relationship with your ex, you will forever gender yourself from building a future with a man who truly loves you and cares for you. There will be some men who will pimp you and say “It’s just business” because he sees that the money will come back into the relationship, but that’s not love. No man who loves you will be ok with you having a business venture with an ex. You must choose which is more valuable and eliminate the other.

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Life & Relationship Expert

-Cheyenne Bostock

#ManDayBlog Every Woman Loves A Man Who Has Integrity And Good Character









It takes a lot to be a good man, that’s why being a good man is so admirable amongst other good people. It takes discipline, sacrifice and a long track record of good decision making to bring out these great qualities, and that’s what will set you apart. It’s easy to take the low road because there’s no challenge, no one holding you accountable, and no one pushing you to be better. On the high road, you’ll find other people who are constantly making better decisions, reaching for new heights and encouraging one another along the way. The beauty of having integrity is that those who also have it will recognize it inside of you which will establish trust and prompt the start of a meaningful relationship.

Society is filled with people who lack integrity, which is why we as a people must be governed by regulated officials and authorities to ensure that we all live in fairness. Just imagine watching a sports game with no referees… the game would never end because it would boil down to integrity. And when a championship is on the line, you can count on integrity going right out of the window. It will be a matter of his word against theirs, so in the end who do we believe? If you choose the team on the left, you’ll upset the team on the right and vice versa. To eliminate these problems, we bring in a number of referees who are held to a higher standard and will call the game in fairness.

You don’t have to be an elected official to choose to live by a higher standard, you can simply be a son, brother, husband, father or friend. Your peers will respect you more if you have established yourself as someone who has good character and can be trusted. How do you build this trust? It’s simple, all you have to do is be the best man you can be, and that will require doing the right thing for yourself and for others. Your ability to prove yourself worthy of trust will be the staple that holds your relationship with other people together.

When you apply for a job, they ask a series of questions that reflect your work history, educational background, demographic and criminal history. All of the information provided on the application is relevant to the employer because before hiring you, they want to have an idea of who you are. They also want to feel confident in knowing that you are not only capable of doing the job, but also that you can be trusted with their resources and information. By being honest on your application despite how you feel it may hurt or improve your chances, you build trust with that employer. They’re going to do a background check anyway, and the truth is bound to come out, give them ahead start by being open and honest from the beginning.

In today’s times, people are always on guard because they’re so used to other people trying to manipulate or cheat a system to make it work in their favor. By being transparent, having integrity and being honest, you will have great success in not only bringing down those walls, but also in opening up doors. It’s a breath of fresh air to have someone around their friends, family and/or business that they can trust. If you can manage to be that breathe of fresh air, people will not only want to have you around, but they will need to have you around. Make yourself indispensable by offering an open and honest relationship that is built on trust.

When establishing your inner circles at school or at work, the first thing people will notice about you is your character. People are interested in knowing who you are as a person, and once they figure you out, the information gathered will be the determining factor in who sticks around and who keeps their distance. Once you show that you have integrity, people will feel more comfortable about opening doors that lead to their wisdom, their network, and their resources. There will be subliminal tests thrown your way such as conversations about your relationships with women, money time and God. It may seem like nothing initially, but to them, your relationship with women, money, time and God is in fact everything!

People want to know about your relationship with other women because it reflects what you stand for as a man. People will be particularly interested in you relationship with your mother because she is the woman who brought you into this world. She laid down the foundation and has set the standard by which you will treat the woman you associate with in the future. Sometimes the opportunity to have morals, values and principles instilled in you by your mother is missed, and that has considerable influence on how you interact with other women. This information is extremely valuable to a man who has a sister, daughter or a wife. A man who knows his role looks to protect the women in his family against all possible threats, even if that means keeping a barrier between him and you.

Women are very sensitive, very delicate and look to a man for protection. For this reason, a woman of substance makes a man wait to get close to her heart and body. She wants to be sure that he can be trusted with it and that he won’t intentionally cause her grief and pain. Having a track record of being loyal, respectful, fair and kind will expedite your progress with a woman, as she will have lowered her guards just for you. If you want a woman to stay, give her hope. If you want a woman to leave, give her doubt!

People want to know about your relationship with money because it reflects your values and discipline. A man who values money and shows discipline can also be trusted with it and around it. By having a healthy relationship with money, people will feel more comfortable inviting you into their home and around their business and resources. Being a good steward of money will also propel your relationship with others to new heights because they will view you as someone who could help them do the same. The more people see value in you, the more they will want to invest in you.

People want to know about your relationship with time because they don’t want theirs to be wasted. If a person doesn’t make the best of your time, they shouldn’t be blessed with your time. They will look to see what you’ve done, what you’re doing and what your plans are for the future. It’s easy to pretend that you’re making progress and making moves, but to a person who’s really doing it, they’ll be able to see right through you. Being honest about your progress in life will allow others to see what you are missing from your life as well as what they can add to your life. Your time is too valuable to waste it on people who aren’t going places, and other people will feel the same way about you.

How you spend your time and who you spend your time with is important in the realm of building relationships. Take public figures for example, they cannot afford to be seen associating with people who lack integrity because that makes them guilty by association. The association with someone who makes poor decisions with their time is also a reflection of them and can hinder their progress in life. By spending your time doing positive things, you’ll attractive more positive people and opportunities. If you’re having trouble figuring out how to stay positive, simply surround yourself with positive people.

People want to know about your relationship with God because your level of spirituality portrays that you acknowledge a power that is greater than you. Submission to this higher power keeps you humble, influences your attitude towards others. Not only will your relationship with God help your relationship with others, but it will help you to build a relationship with yourself. You will begin to see the value in you, understand your worth, and use your findings to inspire others. God is love, and when you make a spiritual connection, you will start doing things out of love.

Your reputation is everything, so be protect it at all costs. It’s easier to walk in truth than to fight over a lie. Every day you should look to improve as a man, and you do this by being proactive and always aspiring to have more. There’s no such thing as a free lunch, so take pride in working your way up to the top, and when you get there help others get there too. Life is about building relationships and leaving behind legacies, so start building yours today. When you leave this earth, stories will be told about the way you lived your life and the things you achieved. You are in a position to write your own story in the way you want others to tell it, and that’s by living in truth.

When others speak about your character, you want them to speak highly of you and to model after you. You want people to be inspired by your struggle, inspired by your failures and inspired by your successes.

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#ManDayBlog Every Woman Loves A Man Who’s A Great Listener!











One of the greatest gifts in the world is the ability to listen and observe. So much value information can be gathered simply by being quiet and still. You will find that when engaging others, people will sometimes reveal so many things about their personality and character through your silence. In fact, through your silence, you will open up the door for others to walk right in and enlighten you. Through listening, you will gain new perspectives, insight and ideals that would not have otherwise come.

I love talking to my 6 year old son, but what I love even more is listening to him. When I listen, my son shares so many of his innermost thoughts and feelings to me. His mind is always full of ideas and creativity and I want him to feel comfortable making those ideas a reality. A lot of parents are quick to tell their child to “Shut Up” or “Stop Talking”, but I want him to do the opposite. If my son loves to talk, then I will learn how to love to listen. Perhaps his love for talking could lead to future speaking opportunities as a politician, journalist, or maybe an actor.

Either way, I want my son to get in the habit of finding a positive outlet to express himself. As his father, it’s my job to help groom him and perfect whatever craft he decides to take on. Through observation, I’ve learned that my son likes to read, write, draw, act, dance, run and do gymnastics. Not only does he enjoy doing it, he’s actually great at it. By listening to his dreams and encouraging him, I establish myself as a go-to source for him to express himself.

One day I received a phone call from my son’s mother telling me that his teacher has requested a parent-teacher meeting. When I inquired as to what the meeting was about, she said that our son Ethan had been misbehaving more than usual and that it needed to be addressed. In my mind, I thought that this would be a great opportunity to talk with my son, and ask questions regarding what was going on. I was preparing my heart and mind to listen and get information as opposed to striking fear into his heart.

His mother went on to tell me that she had taken disciplinary actions literally into her own hands. As a man who was once physically disciplined by a woman (my mother), I know for certain that that is no way to get a young boy to open up. After expressing my experience with my mother as a child, we agreed that that type of disciplinary action would no longer take place and that we will use more positive ways to discipline our son. I had a flash back at that moment and I remembered how I would much rather a heart to heart conversation over a belt any day. My son had had enough, and I knew he was in no mood to talk, let alone give me access to his feelings.

I would wait until the weekend when the smoke is clear and he’s in a better mood, having totally forgotten about the recent occurrences at school. Not only was I preparing myself to remain calm and come up with the right words to say, I was also preparing myself for what I might hear. I didn’t want the answer that I would get during the moment when it was happening. That answer would only be enough to protect him from what was yet to come. I wanted the answer that was honest and true, and my strategy for doing so was to talk to him about it on his turf, but on my terms.

I would create a safe, loving environment and make him feel comfortable before I would ask him a few questions about his life at school. That’s the thing about raising children, they do have a life whether we parents want to admit it or not. I have no clue what goes on while my son is at school, but I still need to be in the know. To avoid my son closing himself off to me, I do my best to make him feel comfortable about telling the truth, while still enforcing disciplinary actions. It’s important for him to know that I’m here for him, to listen, to learn, and to encourage, however I am still his father and he will be held accountable for his actions.

What’s great about listening to your child is that they actually want to be open and honest with you, in most cases, they’re simply afraid of what might happen if they do. The time where they could make a mistake and be held by you went away when their diapers did. Or worst, the yelling, scolding and the beating is all the know, even from their diaper stages. Now the trust is broken, they don’t want to hurt you, and they don’t want you to hurt them. So now they’ve closed you off from the information that could bring you closer together and possibly even save their lives.

Paying attention to details mean taking special care of the things that matter to you in life. If you open up your heart, mind, eyes and ears, your listening will become that much more effective which will enhance the quality of your relationships. It’s easy to be present and hear what’s going on, but through listening you gain access to the heart of the matter. Getting the information you need through your listening skills will save you a great deal of time, energy, effort and money. It can cost you more than you bargained for if you’re not paying attention.

Listening has to be per-meditated in order for you to grasp the heart of the message. You have to be ready and willing to receive the information otherwise you will miss it. Have you ever overheard something someone else was saying that was either strange, unethical, or funny, but you needed to hear it again because you weren’t actually listening? That’s because your mind wasn’t fixed on registering the information you were about to receive. You weren’t prepared for it, therefore you had to spend more time having the message repeated, which more than likely would be watered down the second time you heard it.

When a person has to repeat themselves, it makes them feel as though you simply weren’t listening. In their mind, they’re thinking “I’ve just said it! Why should I repeat myself to someone who wasn’t listening in the first place”. Initially, they were enthused about sharing the information because they felt they were sharing it with someone who actually cared. After discovering that you weren’t really paying attention, it feels as though they are wasting their breath and their time. The last thing you want is for someone you care about to stop informing you on the details that make a difference in their lives.

This theory has the same effect in the workplace. When your boss give you instructions, clearly it’s because there are tasks that need to be delegated to you. If he had the time to do it himself, he probably wouldn’t be wasting his value time briefing you. To ensure that he feels you can be trusted with the tasks, be prepared whenever he calls you into his office or whenever he pops into yours. Stop whatever it is you are doing, open your heart, mind, eyes and ears and get ready to receive the information. He will respect the fact that you are giving him your undivided attention, and that you have a pen and pad ready, but also that you have a great attitude about listening to others.

I have a saying that goes “If you’re smarter than your boss, act dumber.”. I recall working for an employer years ago as an independent contractor, and I would handle literally all of the company’s business matters. I was hired merely to do the on/offline marketing, but my boss was convinced that I would be trusted to handle everything else. When he came on the premises, I would get the door, grab his bags, inform him on everything I had completed for the day and would eagerly ask for my next task. He would try his best not to smile, but he was thoroughly impressed with the time I was saving him simply by listening and following instructions.

I would listen to him talk about his dreams, goals and ideas, and would submit ways to help him them come into fruition. He would come up with a plan to make our next project even bigger, and I would submit money and time saving options that would benefit the company. He didn’t want to deal directly with clients because he wanted to focus more on the back end, which made me the guy on the forefront. He was full of bright ideas, all he needed was someone to listen to his plans and help him stay focused. Had I not listened to was going through his mind, I would’ve blocked myself off from valuable information which in turn would’ve blocked my success in the company.

There’s no debating that a woman loves it when a man listens, because women love to talk. Personally, I don’t have the time, energy or desire to wrack my brain trying to figure out the never ending possibilities of what a woman wants. I find it much easier to go directly to the source and gather information. If you listen to a woman, she will give you an idea of what she wants, leaving you the opportunity to creatively deliver. Not taking the time to listen to your lady will result in an unsatisfied woman because you didn’t take the time to listen and cater to her needs.

No matter whether it’s a job, a child, or a woman, there will always be a vast untapped mountain of truth and valuable information waiting for you to break it down. You won’t have to break it down by force, all you have to do is be willing to go through the process called listening. It will show in your eyes, body language and overall attitude how interested you are in what another person has to say. With the right attitude you can unlock the mysteries that continue to boggle your mind. With the wrong attitude, you will continue to block yourself off from life altering, life changing information.

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Life & Relationship Expert


#Free Advice Wednesday Question Of The Week “Q: Should I move to my man’s city? It would easier for me to move than him.”













Hi Cheyenne,

Q: I live in California, my boyfriend lives in New York and he wants me to move out there. I’m conflicted on whether or not I should go. What should I do?

A: You should continue to live your life wherever it is convenient for you. Clearly New York is convenient for him, and that’s why he’s inviting you to come all the way across the country so that you can be with him. He wants you to be a convenience to him and nothing more. If he really wanted you to be a part of his life, he would move to California, or marry you and make arrangements for you come and live with him in New York full time. There a billions of men and the world and you only need one. Never settle for a man who is going to treat you like a convenience. Settle for a man who is going to treat you like a priority. The worst part about this move is that you are not his wife. If for any reason he gets tired of you and no longer wants to be in a relationship with you, he can simply kick you to the curb. Now you’re stuck in New York where you have no family and no one to turn to. Spare yourself the heartache and pain and date men right there within close proximity. Thank me later. 😉

If you’ve been inspired by today’s blog, please subscribe, post your comments below, and share it with your friends. Also, please add me on Facebook & Follow me on Twitter!

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Life & Relationship Coach




#ManDayBlog Every Father Should Be On Child Support









The first thing that comes to mind when most men hear the words child support is payments. According to the courts, that’s all child support means to them. They’re not concerned with whether or not you are spending time with your child; all that matters to them is that you are funding the child. While providing the financial means for your child is important, he/she primarily needs your love. No matter how much money or gifts you give your child, what your child will value the most is your time.

I became a father at age 24, and I was so excited about opening up this new chapter in my life. I had just gotten new photography equipment and my son was the perfect subject to practice on. I’ve taken so many pictures of him that he (now 6 years old) has developed a love for photography. It was a great experience spending time with my son, capturing his image, and mastering my craft. I had the opportunity to learn new things as a photographer and as a father, and I was blessed to have the opportunity to teach him as well.

There was a time where he was unable to lift himself up or roll over on his own in his crib, so he would simply wine or cry until someone came to get him. This was my newborn son, so naturally I was more than happy to run to his aid and cater to his every need. I would smile at him and he would smile back, he would drink his bottle, burp and then relax quietly before falling asleep. I can’t say that I enjoyed changed diapers, but it was a part of my duty as a father, and so I obliged. I remember the endless warming of the bottles; it was like all this kid ever does is eat!

As my son grew, so did his needs; bigger diapers, bigger clothes, and bigger appetite. My son was a chunky baby and I loved it. His vision was getting clearer, he know who his Mommy and Daddy was as our bonds grew stronger. He looked just like me, so there was no denying him, and we loved each other so much that if I ever let, he would probably hunt me down himself to find me. Abandoning my son was never a thought that crossed my mind; no matter how unprepared I was to be a father. He grew on me just as I knew he would and the feelings were mutual.

Less than a month after he turned 2 his mother and I had grown apart and we went our separate ways. I was 26, hurt from the break-up, looking for work and still trying to find myself as a man. I allowed myself to sulk for about two weeks before snapping out of it and realizing that my son needs me now more than ever. He was used to seeing me every morning and every night, and now for two weeks, I’m nowhere to be found. “I can’t stop being a father just because I’m no longer with the mother” is what was going through my mind.

At this tender young age, he wasn’t much of a conversationalist over the phone. In person, however he was all smiles, all fun, all games and would even talk to me as best he could because he saw me in real time. The most he would do with a phone at 2 years old is look at it, lick on it, or breath in it. We needed to connect with each other in person the way a father and son should. He wasn’t aware of what was going on with his mother and I; all he cared about was being loved.

A simple request if you ask me, what child wouldn’t want to be loved by both of their parents? I owed it to him to give him the love and support that was required of me. My son would stay with me on the weekends, and we would do father and son things like talk, go to the park and play, go to church, do arts and crafts, read, you name it. He was getting bigger and bigger and to me that meant he needed more clothes, more food, and more of my love and attention. As his father, it was my duty to provide these things without having to be asked.

Sometimes in life, things don’t always work out the way we want them to, and we’re left with the mess we’ve created. As with any other scenario in life, you have to be able to rise to the occasion. Your responsibility as a father doesn’t end when the relationship with the mother does, it ends when life itself come to a conclusion. Even if the two of you are separated physically, you must remain together spiritually for the sake of the child. A father doesn’t abandon his child; he raises his child and supports them in whatever way possible.

When we make the choice to lay down with a woman and bring forth life, we must also accept the responsibility or being there for them. Too often are women left to raise children on their own that they didn’t make on their own. What could possibly be more important than your offspring living in a fatherless world? As an able bodied man, you have every tool necessary to be a provider for your family. If you are in the land of the living, you still have time to spend with your children.

At this point in life, you can’t afford to fall short, go to prison or worst die on your kids when you need you the most. They need your encouragement, your guidance, your protection and your love. You won’t be the first man to reach a point in his life where he feels lost, but through it all, you must find your way. You must break the cycle that shows our sons and daughters that’s ok to be irresponsible and abandon your children. Show them that no matter what you are going through, you will be there for them.

Not only will this decision change your life and make you feel better as a man, but also you will regain the respect of your children and their mother. She may not ever tell you that she wants you to be the best man or best father you can be, but deep down inside that’s what she’s hoping and praying for. You may feel as though you’re in this alone, but your children love you and are still looking up to you. It does neither party any good to see you doing bad, so be encouraged and no that you are expected to come out victorious. So put on your big boy pants, roll up your sleeves and take care of your business.

You won’t be the first or the last man to experience a break-up that involves kids, so don’t go losing your mind over it. Now is the time to regroup, get your emotions in check, keep your composure and get your finances in order. After all, that’s a part of being a man anyway; you don’t need a woman or a child to do this. The first thing you need to ask yourself is “What’s in the best interest of the child?” The next thing you to ask yourself is “How I am I going to make it happen?”. Once you’ve thought of a plan and have spoken it into existence, take action and make it a reality.

The term “Deadbeat Dad” isn’t something that women are making up; this is a reality for them. A man comes into their lives, knocks them up and then for whatever reason doesn’t feel the immediate need or urgency to provide for the child. Now it’s one thing for you to not be supportive physically and emotionally, but to not be supportive financially in addition to that further reduces your credibility as a man. We are the protectors and the providers, which is our role. If you’re not doing either, then you are failing yourself as a father and as a man.

Your child doesn’t simply want you to be a part of their lives; they need you to be. As they grow older, so will their needs. I remember when my son Ethan was in pre-k, it was his first Holiday play and he wanted me to be there.  On the day of, I snuck into the room where they were performing with my camera in hand and found a good spot. As they are getting ready to perform, Ethan would look all across the room to see if I had finally arrived. I would wave at him to let him know where I was standing and he would have the biggest smile on his face.

He was so proud and so happy to see me; he would tell all of his teachers and friends “look, that’s my Daddy, over there look”. The whole time he would look in my direction and smile as he sang the songs he had memorized, and after it was over he’d run and jump into my arms. As a father, these are the moments I look forward to, the moments where I get to witness my son performing in life. I don’t cry often, but on that day when I saw how happy my presence made my son, I cried tears of joy. It motivated me to do whatever I needed to do as a man, to make myself readily available and accessible to my son as a father.

You won’t know much of a difference your support will make in your child’s life until you give it. You won’t know how happy you can possibly make your child until you see it. You won’t be able to experience the rewards of being a father until you do it. Having a child is truly a blessing, but you must also remember that you are your child’s blessing. Continue to love, protect, provide and support your child for all the days of your life. Step up and be the Dad your child needs you to be.

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Life & Relationship Coach


Check Out My TV Debut on Fox 4 Dallas “5 Ways Texting Can Improve Your Relationship”














Hey everyone, I’m excited to talk about my very first TV appearance on Fox 4 Dallas. <<< Not bad for a debut ehh? What I love about Twitter is that just about any and everyone who can connect you or position you where you need to be is right there. All you have to do is click the follow button, Tweet them a friendly message, or just wait until they follow back and send a direct message.













Sometime last year, I connected with Jenny Anchondo  @JennyFox4, who is a reporter for Fox 4 Dallas. We exchanged messages, followed each other’s Tweets, and as I was preparing for my book signing in Dallas, I reached out to Jenny letting her know that I would be there.  By now, Jenny was already familiar with my work, so creating a story was a breeze. I submitted 5 different blogs that might be helpful in creating a story and we settled on something that many people experience in their relationships… “Texting”. My job was to show ways that “Texting Can Improve Your Relationship” and during our segment, I listed 5 tips and I hope they add value to your life. To read full blog on “5 Ways Texting Can Improve Your Relationship” click here.

How did I end up getting a spot on TV? First, I had to believe in myself. I saw a problem and decided I wanted to be a part of the solution. The world is steady trying to figure out how to build happier, healthier, longer-lasting relationships, and AskCheyB, LLC is here to help point them in the right direction. I could be doing any kind of work, but it makes me happy knowing that the time I’m devoting in my research, the time I’m investing in helping other people, etc is making a difference. What getting on TV means to me is that I have a chance to make a difference in this world on a larger scale.












My sister “Jordi Bostock” is a great inspiration of mine. She too is a best selling author “Single On Purpose” @SingleOPurpose. Seeing her make her TV debut on Fox 4 months prior truly inspired me to keep going.  My brother Shane Bostock is also a great inspiration to me, he’s a chef in Dallas and always makes sure I’m well fed. I was so excited that the two of them were right there when I made my first TV debut.

As I continue to work towards my goals here in NY, and change the lives of those who are right here in my community, I look forward to greater doors opening for me (tv, radio, magazine newspaper). Social media has been a great networking tool for me. So far i’ve been able to reach over 100,000 people via my blog, Twitter, Facebook and other social media outlets. I write this to encourage you to continue to work towards your dreams and goals. Your big break will come, but you will appreciate it more when you work hard for it. Keep pushing!

Cheyenne Bostock Fox 4 Interview












Click on picture to see Fox 4 interview or click here: http://www.myfoxdfw.com/video?autoStart=true&topVideoCatNo=default&clipId=9871148

If you’ve been inspired by today’s blog, please subscribe, post your comments below, and share it with your friends. Also, please add me on Facebook & Follow me on Twitter!

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#Free Advice Wednesday Question Of The Week “How Do I Start Up A Business With No Money?”












Q: I have an idea to start a business, but don’t know how to get started. I don’t have the money to fully invest in myself, but if I had a financial investor, I think I could do much better. What would you recommend?

A: Thanks for your question. You’re on the right track. You’ve got the idea, now you simply need to figure out how to market it. Even if you were sitting in a room full of millionaires and billionaires, you wouldn’t get a single penny out of them unless you had a solid plan as to how your business is going to be profitable. Investors don’t care about your great idea, they care about how you’re going to make them more money. After you’ve come up with your idea, create a business plan that shows investors who your company is, what your company offers, and how it’s going to generate revenue and grow annually.

In the mean time, use what you got to get what you need. It doesn’t cost a penny to create a professional email address, create social media accounts, start a blog or create a website for your business. Get the word out about your business by offering your products and services for free and gathering testimonials. Ask every person you network with to connect with you via social media. Collaborate with other industry professionals and tap into each other’s networks. Create a buzz of your own that radio, newspapers, magazines and TV can’t ignore. Barter services with people who have the resources to help get your business to the next level.

As your network and your resources begin to grow, always remember to give back to the community. This is a great way to not only help others, but build relationships with the people who support your business or may not even be aware of your business.

If you’ve been inspired by today’s blog, please subscribe, post your comments below, and share it with your friends. Also, please add me on Facebook & Follow me on Twitter!

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Life & Relationship Coach



#ManDayBlog Marriage is Forever!










Every time I go to a wedding I find myself chuckling on the inside when then priest gets to the “Til death do you part” part of the sermon. It’s one of those “Are you SURE you want to do this?” moments. Lol I imagine that particular moment to be a nervous one because once you say, “I do”, you’re declaring before God and witnesses that you are in it for the long haul. This is a moment that is literally going to change your life forever!

I suppose that’s what makes it so scary for so many people; it’s not the word marriage that scares them, it’s the word change. Everything that you’re used to has to change for the sake of your marriage, and sometimes that can be a good thing. Sometimes we do things wrong our entire lives, and because we’ve been doing it wrong for so long, we are convinced that it’s right. Sometimes change is exactly the thing we need in order to finally get it right. At times our pride won’t allow us to admit that our way isn’t working, isn’t fruitful or isn’t productive.

What a marriage offers is another perspective from someone who genuinely cares. I don’t know about you, but the person I spend the rest of my life with has to genuinely care about my thoughts, feelings, passion and my pain. I couldn’t imagine sharing a life with someone who takes no interest in the things that interest me. I’ve committed to many things in life and what mattered the most was the end result. If I’m working hard on a basketball team, I want to win a championship. If I’m putting forth my time, energy, effort and money into college, I want to earn a degree.

The same applies to my marriage, if I’m committed to you for a lifetime I want her knowledge, resources, love and support forever and ever. This is why it’s extremely important to know who you are, and know who you’re dealing with. If you choose wrong, you could end up miserable forever and ever. You want to be in union with someone that you value and who values you, so be sure to take your time before making this crucial life changing decision.

My grandparents on my father’s side were married for 50+ years until my grandmother passed away in 1995. My grandfather passed away in 2004 and at that age, I was too young to even think about marriage, let alone the value of it. If he were alive to day I would ask him questions about his values, what made him fall in love with my grandmother, and what kept them together for so long. If I had to guess, I would say that it was pure unfiltered love. They loved each other enough to stay together, value each other, and set an example for generations to come.

They were always pleasant around one another, it was as if they knew exactly what the other wanted out of life, and allowed each other to enjoy it. My grandmother was a smoker, and she eventually died of cancer at an old age. My grandfather never belittled my grandmother or bashed her for habit of smoking (not in front of us anyway). I would imagine that he came to terms with this was a habit she was unwilling to give up, and that he would have to live with. That’s a beautiful thing when two people are able to accept each other with their flaws and all and still love them to death.

Like most men, my grandfather didn’t do too much talking, but he did a lot of doing. He was consistent with his behavior when we came around. He would ask us questions about school, set a bowl of candy out for us, prepare dinner before we arrived and then take us to the park where he would take candid photos of us. Everyone needs an escape from home from time to time and for an old man, this was the perfect opportunity. My grandfather was real calm, cool and sometimes a little grouchy, and perhaps the grouchy part was something that my grandmother had to get over.

There building had a wonderful view of the Williamsburg bridge in Brooklyn, and we loved to look at the night’s skyline as kids. I would imagine that that was something my grandparents enjoyed doing as well. They had 3 sons and a host of grandchildren and great grandchildren that they could be proud of. They had done something with their lives that would never be forgotten. They built a relationship with one another and left behind a legacy in this world, and they did it all together.

If there’s nothing else I admired about my grandparents, it’s definitely their values for marriage. We all will face the day when we are no longer able to write a book, give a speech, or pass down a tradition with our words. Our actions throughout the courses of our lives in many cases will be all the lesson that future generations will need to learn and grow. I can’t sit here and say that my grandfather never taught me anything about marriage simply because he never spoke of it. He taught me the value of marriage by standing by his wife until she took her last breath.

That’s not something you see everyday, especially in this day in age where people are walking in and out of marriages like a revolving door. I would like to think of marriage as a final destination; you’ve stopped everywhere else and now it’s time to settle down. I would imagine that people such as my grandparents who have been married for so long had to make a few stops before hand. There’s nothing wrong with exploring the world, traveling, meeting new people and enjoying the single life first. In fact, it’s highly recommended; doing so will allow you to see the value in the trade-off from single to married life.

Look forward to building your first home, and one day sharing it with someone special. Look forward to traveling the world, trying new things and meeting new people, and plan to one day do these things with your wife and family. Look forward to partnering in business with your wife and making future investments together. Look forward to sharing your time, resources, love and money with your wife. View marriage as a life-long investment and plan to be married until death.

Throughout the course of your life, you will meet many people who will come and go. Some will leave because they didn’t belong there in the first place, some will leave because they’ve found someone more worthy of their time, and some will feel they have no further use for you. Life is about building relationships and leaving behind legacies; the more valuable you are to a person, the more they will want you around. When you focus your energy at one area at a time, you can yield the greatest benefits. By choosing someone that you promise to spend the rest of your life with, you are able the channel everything in your power towards their happiness, and that’s the best way to keep a wife. Happy wife, happy life!

Of my two best friends, one of them is married, has two daughters and appears to be very happy. They’ve been together for over 5 years and I’m happy to see that they’re progressing. I’m extremely proud because I know where he used to be in life, and now I see a better man than he ever was. Like any other marriage, they have ups and downs, but they are going through the motions together. When I see him post pictures and messages about his family on Facebook it makes me proud to see that he’s being the quality man of substance that his wife and family deserves.

Anytime a married client comes to me for advice, I don’t offer them a way out; I offer them a way right back in. The only way to work it out is to simply work it out. That’s what being loyal to a marriage is all about, finding the inner strength, the desire and the self-discipline to sustain the union until death. If you walk away from everything in your life that falls apart or isn’t working, you’ll never acquire the knowledge of how to fix things. Loyalty may be a small word but it’s a BIG thing.

It’s easy to just walk away, and if you’re looking for something that is easy, marriage isn’t it. Ask anyone who’s been married or is married and they will tell you that it’s hard work. In fact, this may be one of the hardest things you’ll ever have to do in life, but the best part is you won’t have to do it alone. You have a partner who will be there when you laugh, when you cry, when you’re up and when you’re down. You’ll have someone to create new memories with and to cherish the old ones.

Being loyal to your marriage will build character not only in you but also in everyone around you. Your friends will look at you as a beam of hope and will aspire to one day have a partner for life. Your children will respect you for getting it right, showing discipline and being an active part of the family as a whole. Your family and your community will commend you on your diligence and celebrate with you every year and you honor your anniversary. When you are gone, the people who remember you will speak about the things you valued in life and your marriage will be right at the top of that list.

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