
BreakEveryChainBreak Every Chain is for any man who is looking to remove all strongholds in his life and improve the quality of his life and relationships! To break a chain, one must first identify the negative repetitive behaviors that hold you back in life. This book will help men identify and understand those behavioral patterns and take proactive steps to overcome them. Every man should be equipped with the knowledge and resources that will help him succeed in his relationship, career and in his purpose in life.

With the proper tools in hand and the desire to develop and prosper, you will break every chain and remove barriers in your life that have been keeping you from being the man God created you to be. We will no longer allow the cycle of fatherless homes, poverty, violence, substance abuse, unemployment and incarceration to continue, leaving young men without hope, without vision and without purpose. We are building up our men and teaching them to break every chain.

FoodSexAndPeaceOfMind“Food, Sex & Peace of Mind” will keep any man happy, but in a relationship, everyone’s happiness should be considered. This book will help women tap into their true power as a woman, understand the way men think, and attract a quality man of substance.

The key to having a successful relationship is first loving yourself, setting the standard for what your relationship to be, and then finally, requiring it from your significant other. By understanding who you are and what your value is, you’ll find yourself in a place where you can and will command respect from the beginning, so you won’t have to demand respect in the end. This book will take you on a journey that starts at being single and ends in finding and understanding love.

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