What A Man Needs From His Woman!

Food, Sex & Peace of Mind is what a woman needs to know to keep a man! It sounds simple, and it is, however a more strategic approach needs to be taken in order to make this attempt at keeping him happy successful! A man always knows what he wants from a woman, but he sometimes needs a little help with seeing the value in what he truly needs! When you connect with a man, your advantage over other women will come based on the value you add to his life (outside of the bedroom). Getting to know a man on the inside and out will be your playbook for figuring out how to play offense, win him over, and in the end get him to celebrate you! The quality of your giving will make all the difference in the quality of your relationship.

If you leave it up to a man, he will be A-ok with the simple things in life, the bare minimum, or stuck in his “whatever works” mentality. Everything is black and white when it comes to men, and this is where the value of a woman comes into play; a woman adds vibrance, color, and an abundance of love into the picture. He may be ok with eating Ramen Noodles for dinner 7 nights a week, but he would much rather to have a home cooked meal prepared by a loving, caring woman. He will immediately see the value in having you around, and he will want to hold onto you because of that value, which would’ve been otherwise missed had you sat back and watched him eat Ramen Noodles every night. There’s nothing wrong with Ramen Noodles (I personally love them), but anytime there’s an opportunity for you to upgrade your man, it’s in your best interest to make an attempt to take it!

Many women today are convinced that men do not want to be in long-term monogamous relationships, and that couldn’t be further from the truth. A man simply wants to reach certain milestones in his life before taking on the responsibility that comes along with a commitment. In other words, he doesn’t yet feel as though he is worthy, and he’s doing the honorable thing by sparing you the heartache, pain, and struggle of being in a relationship with a man who’s simply not ready. When a man is finally ready spiritually, emotionally, and financially, he’s in his Single By Design mode, and he’s not looking to settle for just anyone! When a man achieves greatness, he will be looking to commit to a great woman.

A man knows the role he wants a woman to play in his life before he even meets her. This is why it’s important for you as a woman, to know who you are and show who you are so that when you come across a man who’s finally ready to settle down, he will immediately see value in you, and consider you for a future. He’s looking for an upgrade! Someone who can take his life, relationship, business, and family to the next level, as opposed to simply keeping him leveled. Men are simple and like to do simple things, but on his own time, and his own way! Although he may want less, being with a woman will guarantee that he gets more, because at some point or another, a woman eventually wants more.

Healthy relationships never stop growing; in order for a relationship to successfully grow, you have to continually plant new seeds, love and nurture it, and watch everything that you’ve invested come into fruition. If you come into a relationship with the same exact values as a man (i.e. eating Ramen Noodles 7 nights a week), at some point or another, he’s going to say to himself “Why am I with her? I can eat Ramen Noodles, sit around and watch TV, etc with my boys or by myself and spend less. Where’s the value in this relationship? Sure, the sex is great, but we’re not growing! She’s just “here”!” Don’t let this scenario be you; take a man’s simplicity and upgrade him with your creativity!

If you want your relationship to be a success, you have to work towards making it a success! The goals you put in place for yourself as an individual and for each other as a couple will give you something to look forward to each and everyday. If you grow complacent, your relationship will get stale, and one or both parties will seek something and/or someone that is worth looking forward to. In efforts to work towards relationship success, keep in mind “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Relationships (According to AskCheyB). Respect, Love, Trust, Loyalty, Honesty, Support, and Communication.

Respect: There is no limit to how far a man will go for you if he believes in his heart that you are someone who respects who he is and all that he does. Each and every one of us seeks validation from someone else on one level or another; for a man, he takes pride in knowing that he is able to be of value to his woman. Everything you say and do will show just how much you love and respect your significant other, or the lack thereof. His motivation to do better and be better will come through the person he values the most! If you are in his life, your respect isn’t just wanted, but it’s needed in order for him to feel confident about the future of your relationship.

Love: A man’s home is his place of peace; it’s where he rejuvenates his mind, body, and spirit! A man will involve you in everything if you are being his everything! (i.e. Lover, fighter, cook, accountant, adviser, masseuse, you name it). A relationship is about creating “win wins” for both parties; you are a team, you stick together, and you continually add value to each other’s lives. If you find that your man is in a bad mood, you have to remember that the two of you are one, or working towards becoming one, so use this opportunity to remind him why you are the most important woman in his life. Continue to show him love appreciation, and affection so that he’ll never have a reason to treat you with anything less.

Trust: There is power in words, so speak them into existence, but do so with an open and honest heart! When using your words, follow through with your actions, and make sure that they are both in alignment; this will build your significant other’s confidence in you and will also strengthen the bond in your relationship. When building trust, do so out of selflessness, not selfishness; you want to keep secrets with your partner, not from your partner. Being true to yourself starts with loving yourself; when love is present, it’s evident, and needs no explanation. When love is absent, in comes cloudy vision, lies, deceit, cover ups, etc, which in turn raises your significant other’s awareness. People who have taken the time to truly love themselves know what true love looks and feels like, so don’t allow selfishness to ruin what could potentially be a winning team. Stay true to him, as you would want him to stay true to you.

Loyalty Be consistent with your character and remember that you both are on the same team and are playing to win! When your significant other is not around, he should feel confident in knowing that you are treating yourself with the same dignity and respect as you would if he were standing right next to you. The slightest bit of betrayal can bruise a man’s ego, and hurt his pride, which will cause turmoil in your relationship. A man wants to know that he is number one in your life, and that no other man or woman (outside of your family) gets the privilege of having a number in your book. Your loyalty to one another is one of the most important things that will keep you together!

Honesty: Life is about building relationships and leaving behind legacies. When it comes to the growth and development of your relationship, let go of the past, and look forward to your future. If you want your significant other to love who you are, he needs to know who you are. Being transparent will allow your partner to see your strengths, your weaknesses and everything else in between. When you allow your partner to see who you are, where you are strong, and where you are weak, you then allow him to see which areas he will be able to help you the most. That moment of vulnerability could mean a lifetime of victory!

Support: If your man is struggling financially, be his cheerleader, his motivation, his inspiration, and his support system as he works towards getting back on his feet. Instead of being the woman who holds him down, be the woman who lifts him up! It’s easy to to commit to someone when everything is good, but the real challenge will come when everything is bad! The way you handle yourself, your partner, and your relationship under turbulent times will confirm where you stand as an individual, and as a couple, and will have a great impact on your relationship’s future.

Submission is also a very powerful tool that will only grant you more and more of your man’s favor. When you submit, you’re showing him that you want him to lead, and that you trust and respect his judgement/leadership. A man has his pride, and pride can be quite useful when it’s focused in areas that inspire growth! If for example, a man is proud to be a servant of God, loyal husband, father, and contributor in his community, that’s a beautiful thing, and as his woman, you should be proud as well. When a man is proud of something, or passionate about something, be there to support him, or be there to advise him on how to upgrade his ideas, vision, and/or passion.

Communication: With wisdom comes understanding! Men and women communicate differently, and that’s ok because this will challenge you to adapt in unfamiliar territory. Once you understand the way men prefer to send and receive messages, you will find it much easier to get what you want and with a great attitude (on his part). Men are simple, so don’t make things complicated; if you want something done, simply let him know what it is you want, and leave him to it! If you have additional information that might be helpful, by all means share it, and then (again), leave him to it. He will figure it out in his own way and on his own time, but rest assured, he will figure out. The best part is, you will get what you want (minus the fuss) and in the end, everyone’s happy!

What a man needs in his life is a woman who has wisdom; someone who understands him and accepts him for who he is as opposed to trying to mold him into someone she wants him to be. A woman who is a great listener, communicator (not to be confused with speaker), supporter, who can be his go-to girl for everything he needs. As his woman, it’s in your best interest to be innovative and have the ability to adjust, figure things out, and accommodate him. If he has everything he needs at home, he’ll have no reason to outsource.

If you’ve been inspired by today’s blog, please subscribe, post your comments below, and share it with your friends. Also, please visit my new website and connect with me on all of my social networks!www.askcheyb.com

Add me: http://www.facebook.com/cheyenne.bostock.7

Follow me: @AskCheyB

Life & Relationship Coach


Be A Priority, Not A “Convenience”

Every one in this world has value; we are all worthy of being happy, healthy, and prosperous. Often times we sell ourselves short and never achieve greatness because we don’t believe in our own hearts that we are worthy or that we can do it. This fear of yourself will keep you on the ground, as opposed to elevating you to new heights. If you will settle for less, people will give you less; if you will settle for more, people will give you more. Things that are convenient in life often have high frequency visits because gaining access doesn’t require much work. There’s nothing wrong with being a convenience to someone, just so long as the arrangement is mutually beneficial.

Once a convenience becomes an inconvenience for you, then it’s time to re-evaluate your position in that relationship,  require more, or position yourself in a more beneficial relationship. Place value on your time, energy, effort, money, and resources; not everyone who’s around your circle needs to be in your circle. When it comes to building relationships, it’s essential that you set your own personal goals for your life, and with each person you meet, you give them a place in your life depending on whether or not that are in alignment with your goals.

Without a plan, without goals, without any idea of what you want your relationship to be like in the future, you will inevitably find yourself settling for whatever/whoever is most comfortable at the moment. If you want your relationship to be a success in the end, you have to have a successful beginning. Always begin with the end in mind. There are billions of people in this world, and you only need “one”; you don’t have to accept just anyone, you can develop a plan of action and get exactly what you need from a significant other.

Key word significant! Your significant other is someone who is worth mentioning, someone you’re proud to be with, someone you’re looking forward to growing with. When it comes to someone who is merely a convenience,  you can barely see past the end of the month with this person, let alone a lifetime. This is your life we’re talking about, and you’re not getting any younger; every day you live your life should be lived with purpose. When it comes to people you give your time to, you should add people add value to your life, and subtract the people who don’t.

As you continue to grow as a person, your values and your priorities will change, and so will your desire to associate with certain individuals. Depending on your current position in life, you may feel as though a convenience is exactly what you need. That person who agrees to be a convenience more than likely feels the exact same way about you. The only problem with that is the foundation of your relationship is not build on anything solid; the foundation of a convenience is based on temporary short-term satisfaction which doesn’t last.

Once one or both parties finds themselves, and develops love for themselves, they will no longer need you. Finding the “perfect match” isn’t about finding someone who has the same exact thing you have; finding a match is about finding someone who can produce something your life is missing. The last thing you want to be missing from your life is love and happiness because it’s impossible to give out something you are without. If your source for love and happiness dwells in someone else, then you’ll be left unfulfilled if that person is a) unavailable or b) decides to leave you.

You are worth more than a quick lay and a brief stay; there is someone out there who will love, cherish, honor, and be loyal to you, and you won’t have to share him with anyone. You have to believe in your heart that you are worthy of greatness; the way you prove this is by disassociating yourself from failures. Once you change your heart, you will change your mind, which will prompt you to make better choices for your life and your relationships. The key is to have Faith and believe that God knows your heart, he knows the work you need to do on yourself, and he knows the type of man you need in order to achieve relationship success. #GodIsLove

Men are simple and only require Food, Sex & Peace of Mind; if you give this to a man, you will certainly have no problem keeping him around. But that’s not the end; keeping him around is merely a convenience. Now that you know what makes him happy, you need to sit down at the table and negotiate before any “goods” are distributed. A man will do ANYTHING for the opportunity to sleep with a woman; with this in mind, you need to take this opportunity to set standards and requirements, otherwise you will fall in the trap of being his convenience.

Your vagina is your negotiating power! Once you give a man your body, you no longer have any room to negotiate, and you’ll be stuck giving this man Food, Sex & Peace of Mind trying to figure out “What am I doing wrong? I’m giving him everything a man needs, but he’s not giving me what I need… How can I fix this?” It’s too late! You are now officially his convenience because you did too much too soon. Sex is the ultimate goal for a man, so if you give it to him on day one, you’ll be lucky if you see him on day 2 (especially if the sex was bad). Even if the sex was bad, he may give you a call just to feel something wet and warm, but he won’t much more use for you outside of the bedroom.

Men are very simple and do not require much; but you, you’re a female and you want the WORLD! A man can sleep with multiple different women 7 days a week with no emotional attachment, and no desire for any type of future whatsoever. Don’t get your little heart broken trying to play a man’s game; don’t get yourself caught up in the convenience trap. If you want more than Food, Sex & Peace of Mind, then you need to require it, otherwise, men will continue to take you for a test drive until you’re completely out of miles, and then move right along to the next.

It’s important to have actual conversations about short-term and long-term goals, just to see how a person feels about their life and to see where they plan on going in the future. A man knows the role he wants a woman to play in his life before he even meets her. Getting to know someone properly is essential to relationship success and it will help you to differentiate what is suspense and what is substance. Instead of allowing someone to treat you like a convenience, give your time to someone who will treat you like a priority. You are worth it!

If you’ve been inspired by today’s blog, please subscribe, post your comments below, and share it with your friends. Also, please visit my new website and connect with me on all of my social networks!www.askcheyb.com

Add me: http://www.facebook.com/cheyenne.bostock.7

Follow me: @AskCheyB

Life & Relationship Coach


Help my new book “Food, Sex & Peace of Mind” become a #1 BEST SELLER!

Visit my website (www.askcheyb.com) to pre-order your copy of my new book! Release date is set for my birthday (December 18th).

Hello everyone,

First, I’d like to thank God for life, health, and strength; without God, I have nothing. He’s done so much work in my life and is going to do so much for me that I can’t help but do things for others. I try my best to explain to my audience that the key to success is by setting, working towards, and reaching your goals, but in doing so, “giving” to others and being a blessing needs to be a part of your everyday regimen! God blesses those who blesses others. Show me a person who isn’t blessed, and I will show you a person who isn’t being a blessing.

God has shown me how to be a cheerful giver and to do so from the heart, that is why I wake up each day religiously to show my gratitude for everything God has done for me, by logging onto my social networks and being an inspiration to any and everyone who needs inspiration. I sometimes get so caught up in inspiring other people, answering questions, taking calls, etc that I don’t get to have my first meal until 5pm, but it’s ok because I’m fed spiritually and I’m full!

I’ve written a book titled “Food, Sex & Peace of Mind” (What A Woman Needs To Know To Keep A Man), and I cannot wait to get this book in your hands. It’s taken me 2 years to write it, I’ve put my all into it, I’ve listened to thousands of men and woman’s cries while coaching and beyond, and I’ve put into words some of the key things a woman needs to know to keep a man! This book is not solely about “pleasing a man”, this book talks about “you” as a woman, knowing your worth, showing your worth, how to become a candidate for marriage, being independent, switching to interdependence, how to communicate with a man, how to understand the “why” behind a lot of things men do. This book will help you completely step your game up as a woman despite how great you THOUGHT you were.

I truly believe in my heart that this book will change the lives of SO many women. I don’t have a daughter, however, if I did, I would tell her everything that I’ve put into this book. I want my 17 year old niece to have it, my sister, my mom, and all the females in my family and in the world that I care about. Not everyone was blessed to have a father who showed them how a man is supposed to protect and provide, or submit to God if he wants a woman to submit to him. Not every woman has a positive male influence to guide her and let her know that waiting until marriage is honorable and respectable. Not every woman has a man who cares for her mind, heart, and soul, and can appreciate her for more than her body.

After reading this book, you will feel enlightened, empowered, motivated, uplifted, and have a new lease on life! We all have a past; your past is for you to remember, your present is for you to enjoy, and your future needs planning, so get ready to re-invent yourself, become the best woman you can be, and you will attract the best man!

I’ve been told that I’m too young to coach relationships, I’ve been told that since I’ve never been married, I can’t give advice on marriage, I’ve been told that I “have to” have a certain type of degree or certification to help people build relationships. I say to them… GOD is in control; GOD has the authority, GOD has the power to empower, and fill you with the strength, courage, and wisdom to speak to his people and deliver his message. No man can tell you what you can or cannot do, God will tell you what you can and cannot do! With God anything and everything is possible!

I’ve been coaching relationships (officially) since January 2010, and I was doing so from a homeless shelter. At first, no one would listen because no one thought I was qualified; I asked God for the strength, courage, and wisdom to press on, and he created the “time” and “space” that I needed to fuel my mind and maximize my efforts to become a better coach. While living in a shelter, I had nowhere to be and nothing to do, and no one seemed to want to hire me. I eventually got hired, but there was a greater calling on my life, and I had to answer it. For 4 months, I spent every single day reading books at Barnes & Nobles and Boarders learning how to effectively brand and market myself as a coach.

Today, my blog has reached over 13,000 subscribers, I have over 16,000 followers on Twitter (and counting), Maxed out FB, and growing numbers on my like page and new FB profile. These numbers have been accumulated simply by the delivery of my message through positive words of inspiration. There is power in words, so speak things into existence; believe in the things you say and do; turn your passion into a source of income. I say this to show you that there is nothing that you cannot do if only you believe in yourself.

There are a lot of people who are rooting for my success! There are also a lot of people who are rooting for my failure! I’m 28, a loving father, coach, and friend to many; my purpose in life is to help you find purpose in life, so that you too can help someone else find purpose in their life. Even if you hate me, I love you; happiness is a choice! If you are rooting for me, I would like for you to help make my upcoming book become a #1 BEST seller despite all the odds that are against me. Despite all the rules and regulations people, publishing houses, and everyone else put in place. With your help (and this is very important)… with your loyalty and your support, you can help me SHATTER every fallacy in existence and help to inspire many more young, black people to believe in themselves, take control of their lives, and follow their dreams.

My goal is to release my new book “Food, Sex & Peace of Mind” (What A Woman Needs To Know To Keep A Man) once I reach 5,000 friends on my new Facebook profile. You can help simply by making sure that “YOU” are one of the 5,000 who have sent me a friend request, and also, if you’ve been blessed by any of my blogs, Tweets, YouTube videos, FB posts, etc, then become an advocate for my cause and encourage your best friend, your siblings, and the people you love to also add me on Facebook so that I can be an inspiration to them too! There is strength in numbers, so help me heal the world!

Sometimes “you” can be in the way of somebody’s blessing; to avoid being in somebody else’s way, show them the way. When you hear someone complaining about their life and about their relationship, refer them to @AskCheyB, I find joy in helping other people with strengthening their relationships, and I welcome the referrals. My book has not yet been released, but you can help me get the word out by sharing your experiences with @AskCheyB with the people you know and trust.

How can YOU help my book become a #1 Best Seller?

1) Believe in me! Trust that I am here to help others grow; support my cause in all of the following ways listing below.

2) Visit my website (www.askcheyb.com), get to know your Life & Relationship Coach, get familiar with the services I have available, take advantage of them, and also tell your friends about my services. #Support

3) Subscribe to the blog you are reading right now, share this blog with your friends, and encourage them to subscribe for great relationship insight.

4) Add me on Facebook and encourage as many people as you can to also add me so that I can reach 5,000 friends and release my book as promised.

5) Follow me on Twitter (@AskCheyB), and if I’ve been able to inspire you with my Tweets, encourage as many people are you know to also follow me on Twitter  (@AskCheyB) for daily inspiration, motivation, enlightenment and empowerment. And use the hashtag #FoodSexPeaceofMind

6) Once I make pre-orders available, purchase a copy of my book for yourself and for the people you know in your heart could use a self-help book like this. #BeABlessing

7) Help me build an audience in your city by encouraging people to connect with me on Facebook & Twitter  (@AskCheyB). I will do a 2013 book tour wherever the numbers are the strongest.

8) If you or anyone you know has a radio or TV/online show, let’s get connected; contact me via email for an interview. I would love to come on your show and talk to your audience about building relationships, and to introduce my new book. AskCheyB@gmail.com

9) Try my services and become a believer! Email me your relationship questions, and let me know how I can help you. If I’ve been able to help you with my response, post a testimonial here on my blog so that others can see the value in having a Life & Relationship Coach. AskCheyB@gmail.com

10) Help my book become a #1 Best Seller and I will share with you the steps I took so that your book can also become a best seller!

-Chey B.

“Single By Design”

waiting-to-exhaleBefore you can be a couple, you first have to be  single! If being a couple doesn’t work out, you will be right back where you started… single! There’s no way of getting out of being single from the start, but the way you live your single life will certainly have an impact on the quality of your relationship with someone in the end. When you’re a couple, there are “two” people to consider; when you’re single, there’s only you to consider, however, your consideration for others (while single) is an essential key to attracting a quality mate.

Your physical appearance will get people to come, but the heart behind your outer beauty is what will get a person to stay. Add substance to your relationship by being a person who has substance. Being single will allow you the space and opportunity to focus on who’s most important in your life (you)! Once your life, health, and strength is gone, you are gone, so put “you” at the top of your list of priorities before any other person. It’s ok to love others endlessly, but never put an end to loving yourself.

God is love! A relationship without love is a relationship that is destined for failure. Love is the moral fiber that keeps a relationship together, so if love has not been added, whatever is hindering love’s presence should be subtracted. When your relationship is guided by love, you’ll be able to discern who is right from who is wrong for your life. It’s not difficult to tell when a person loves you and when they don’t, you simply have to acknowledge and respect the signs. Give it a test run on yourself; begin to do things out of love (for yourself) and then use yourself as the standard for which you will allow others to treat you.

With any and every relationship, there has to be an end goal in mind, and when it comes to being single, the end goal for you should be finding love and happiness inside of you and having the ability to share it with others. If love and happiness can be found inside of you, you’ll never go a day without it. Having this independence puts you in preparation to live a happy, healthy single life until you are ready for something more! The idea is for you to continue to grow as a person, and as a people, so once you’ve found love inside of you, don’t be selfish, spread it to someone else!

We often times go into relationships simply as a safety net or a comfort zone; relying heavily on our partner to deliver what we should’ve already been handling. Jumping into a relationship that you’re not  ready for is a disaster waiting to happen because there’s no end goal in mind; the focus is merely on the right here and the right now. There will be more to eat when everyone brings something to the table. If your heart is empty, and you’re looking to be filled by your partner, that leaves you full from what your partner is giving, meanwhile your partner is empty because you’re not equally reciprocating. It’s difficult to give out something you are without.

Before you start worrying about who/when/where/why/how you’re going to meet the love of your life… BE the love of your life. The idea is to find a “match”; your match will be the person who loves you in the way that you love you and beyond. With this in mind, you want to build yourself up to becoming someone who is worth loving, worth having, and worth keeping. We all have a past, and there’s nothing we can do to change it. Our past is who we were not who we are; who we are is the person we’ve become after experiencing our past. With this in mind, don’t hesitate to totally re-invent yourself and present yourself not as you were, but who you aspire to be.

Often times we go our entire lives doing things wrong, and since we’ve been doing it for so long, we’ve totally convinced ourselves that it’s right! If you’ve been doing something for years and it hasn’t had an increase in growth or prosperity, there needs to be a change (If growth and prosperity is what you seek). No longer should you look at being single as something to avoid or be ashamed of; being single is something that you should embrace if that’s where you are in your life. Being in a relationship or a marriage is for people who want and/or have planned for that life, but until then, enjoy your single life!

Being single is the thing you do when you’re establishing/finding yourself and/or when you haven’t yet met someone who meets your standards. The “right time” to be in a relationship or marriage is the time that’s comfortable for you. Being in a relationship or marriage is an indication that you are ready, willing, and able to commit yourself to sharing your world with someone else. If you’re not ready to make that commitment, it is A-Ok; relationships is not for everybody, relationships are only for the “ready”!

Marriage is forever, so if you have the desire to be married, finding love within yourself while you are single is the very first step. If you want to be in any type of relationship of substance, finding love within yourself is the very first step. The idea behind being single is to reflect on “you” as an individual and an independent; take as much time as you need to figure yourself out before you dedicate your time, energy, effort, heart, and money to someone else.

Once you have established yourself spiritually, financially, and emotionally, your esteem will soar to new heights, your confidence will shine through in everything you do, and the love inside of you will beam onto everyone in your presence. Now that you’ve found love within yourself, you’re a different person; you’ve changed your heart, which is changing your mind. You’ll find that the way you make yourself feel surpasses that of many people you’ve had in your inner circle, which will prompt an immediate “clean up” of your social network and surrounding influences.

Now that you’ve found love within yourself, you will want to surround yourself with people who are also ready, able, and willing to love you just as much, if not more! Your values system will change and your interests will be in things that inspire and motivate you to be better, which will introduce you to better people. When you’re a better person, you’ll be exposed to better people. When you’re at the worst, the worst will tend to be more attracted, so your “singledom” needs to be a strategic design that is meant to elevate your standards of living.

Once you’ve learned to embrace being an independent and have embraced the art of being a cheerful giver of love, you are now ready to welcome interdependenceNow you have something more to offer, because you are giving what you have and what you can afford to give. You are no longer an empty heart looking to be filled by the next person you meet. You are giving what you hope to receive; you are leading by example; you are giving from the heart, and that’s the best place to store your gifts.

Single by design is the “plan of action” you carry out when you are looking for growth and change. Some people are single because their partner broke up with them, some are single because they can’t find a man, some are single because they ruined the relationship they had. These are all examples of “Single by default”. You want to be “Single by design”; Single by design means you planned to be single (not to be confused with lonely). Being single doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t interact with the opposite sex; single by design means that the main focus of your interaction should be with “you”.

Never allow another person or other people to decide when the right time is for “you” to commit to someone. Only you should  make that decision, and you should follow your heart. Before you use your heart, make sure your heart is in the right place; keep your heart above your waist where it belongs. Once your heart, mind, and spirit is in the right place, it will be much easier to find someone who is on the same page as you. Focus on your heart, mind, and spirit until it’s matured. Focus on others when they too have matured, and have made the choice to focus on you!

If you’ve been inspired by today’s blog, please subscribe, post your comments below, and share it with your friends. Also, please visit my new website and connect with me on all of my social networks!www.askcheyb.com

Add me: http://www.facebook.com/cheyenne.bostock.7

Follow me: @AskCheyB

Life & Relationship Coach
