Every Woman Loves A Man Who Can Cook

imagesThere’s nothing like coming home to a nice home-cooked meal prepared by someone you love. You can tell the dish was made with love because they took their time to make sure that the flavors were just right, cooked to perfection and then served. Every cook who takes pride in their work can’t wait to hear that “Mmmm” sound after they take their first bite because that lets them know that their mission was accomplished. Food is without a doubt the way to a man’s heart, but guess what? Women love to eat too! You’ll find that amongst many other things, a woman loves a man who knows how to cook.

If you don’t know how to cook, learn how. It’s important for any man to know how to work his way around the kitchen not just for the sake of his lady, but for his own sake. Not only will learning how to cook fill your belly, but it will also build your character. Everything you learn can be taught, and cooking is one of those things that never goes out of style.You can make an evening of it, invite friends over for a pot luck, have one friend chop this, another boil that, while the others peel something else. Invite over a nutritionist or a professional chef to give you some pointers on how to make cooking healthy, easy and fun.

If you have children, there will be nights and days where you will have to prepare a meal for them, and it helps to be prepared ahead of time. You’ll be surprised how easy it is to prepare and cook meals even with limited supplies once you have the skills. Most kids want fast food (i.e. Cheeseburgers, pizza, chicken nuggets, etc). You can use this information to not only prepare a meal that you know they’ll love, but you can also include them. You see now, you’ve created the perfect bonding opportunity for you and your family. You can show them how to properly season, the right temperature to cook at, and use a timer to make sure nothing gets overcooked.

Kids love to be included in family activities that are fun, and cooking is certainly one of them. I remember as a kid, my mom would bake cakes, and my brothers and I would always volunteer to help. There were so many things we could do like crack the eggs, pour in the milk/water/oil/batter, and mix everything together. There were 4 boys in the house so we had to share the responsibilities, which was another thing we learned. We got a chance to set the oven and put the cake inside and when it was finished, we would all help put icing on the cake. Our favorite part was when we got to lick the bowl. 🙂

My mother knew how much we loved those special moments so she would include us as often as possible. After awhile, my mother no longer needed to micromanage us in the kitchen; we had baked caked so many times, we could do it with our eyes closed. We would talk, laugh, sing and dance in the kitchen as we prepared a delicious cake that we would later enjoy. My mom could’ve very well made the cake on her own and would’ve gotten finished with it 5 times faster without us, but it wasn’t about the cake. My mother was creating an environment where we could enjoy one another company.

It’s a good thing she knew how to cook because my step-father’s idea of a home-cooked meal was “Franks and Beans”. Anytime my mother went out of town, we would all look at each other like “What are we going to eat” lol. We had a skillet that plugged into the wall, and when my step-dad cooked chicken inside of it, it would make this delicious crispy chicken and skin that we loved. That was the extent of his cooking and we would soon resort to “Oodles Of Noodles”. We were young boys at the time, so we would make it work for the few days my mom would go away. When my mom finally returned, we would run to her and beg her never to leave again as if she were Jesus!

We missed my mom’s home cooked meals dearly and we were ever so happy to have her back. My step-dad missed the opportunity to bond with us over that weekend probably because his dad missed it with him. This is a cycle that can be broken and should be broken. Rolling up your sleeves and getting down in the kitchen isn’t a job just for women, it’s a job for anyone who wants to have a decent meal. While you’re single, you should be developing these skills on your own, which will add tremendous value to your relationship when you have one. In fact, you may even find love while shopping for groceries; there are plenty of single and eligible candidates right in your local market.

Eating out can get quite expense, not to mention you’ll have no creative control over what actually goes into your food. You’ll save a ton of money by going grocery shopping, preparing your own meals and eating in. You’ll also learn a lot about yourself during this process, like the kind of foods you like, foods you’d love to try, and dishes you enjoy preparing the most. You can create your own menu, perfect your signature dishes and who knows, one day you may even write a cook book or become a chef. There are so many wonderful possibilities that can stem from you learning how to cook.

Eating is something that no one can live without, so by learning how to supply this demand, you can make yourself indispensable in that area. Any woman who knows me knows that if she cooks for me, she’s my NEW best friend. At my church, they have a ministry for the men called “The Front Liners”, and at our bi-monthly meetings we talk about God, life and relationships. I know what you’re thinking, “What’s in it for me?” In addition to the food for the soul that we receive at these meetings, they also provide food for the body, and that has managed to pack the house every time. It’s not rocket science, it’s simply common knowledge that people are more likely to show up at places where there will be food.

Have you ever hosted a Thanksgiving dinner for your friends and family at your home? You would if you knew how to cook! It’s fun to entertain other people with your gifts, however it’s impossible to give out something that you are without. Don’t be ashamed to go online, ask a friend, or turn to a family member for cooking lessons. I’m sure if you provided the food and ingredients that they would love the idea of coming over to teach you how to prepare your favorite dishes. Give it a try, plan a day in advance and invite over a few of your closest family members, friends and relatives. You will come out of the deal will all sorts of delicious dishes and plenty of leftovers, but most of all, you’ll have a great bonding opportunity with your loved ones.

The internet is filled with great recipes on any and everything you could possibly imagine. Subscribe to your favorite YouTube channels and stay updated on their latest creations.There are plenty of other men just like you who feel they don’t have the time, the energy or the skills to cook a decent meal. Once you make a conscious effort to make your cooking ideas become a reality, you can take pride of showing the world otherwise. Post pictures and recipes on your social networks, inspire people who are or were just like you, and show that anyone can cook.

My grandfather Hayward C. Bostock was a great chef; he studied culinary arts and it showed. As kids, we loved going to his house so that we could spend quality time with our grandparents, but what we looked forward to the most was their cooking. There was never a time where they didn’t have a fancy meal laid out for us; lamb chops, stuffing, collard greens, mac n cheese, you name it! We would pray over the food, sit, eat and talk about whatever was on our minds. After our hearts were content and our bellies were full, we wold reminisce on all the previous delicious meals that came from that kitchen.

At first, we would assume that it was my grandmother who cooked all of the meals because traditionally the women would do the cooking. It was to our amazement that in fact it was my grandfather who did a lot of the cooking. That was a proud moment for us, it gave us a glimpse of the type of man my grandfather was. It showed us that he wasn’t too proud to prepare a meal for his lady, even in his old age. They had been married for about 50 years, and although they had gotten old, he kept things fresh and new in the kitchen.

When it comes to your relationship, preparing a meal for your lady will open up many doors. First, it will open up the doors to her heart; making the time to cater to your woman is a heart-felt gesture. It will open up the doors of conversation, for there will be many flavors, colors and textures to talk about. Not to mention the relaxed environment you’ll create to talk about even more important matters. Now that you’ve shown how much you care without being prompted to do so, she’ll feel inspired to do the same.

Adding this great quality to your life will make a remarkable difference within yourself, amongst your family/friends and with your lady. Women find men who cook to be very attractive, and you don’t want to miss out on the opportunity to fall in that category. If the both of you don’t know how to cook, don’t fret because that is yet another opportunity to bond if she is willing to learn. If you both already know how to cook, even better; take turns preparing meals for one another, and also join forces and create great meals together. Team work makes the dream work!

Ordering out is easy, taking the time to plan and figure out what to eat, how to make it, and then putting it into action can be easy too. You simply have to practice and get in the habit of doing it, and after awhile it will feel natural. Like everything else in life, you won’t know how to do something until you do it. Sometimes you won’t have access to hands on training, or and adviser to walk you through, so have faith in your abilities and you’ll be just fine. You’ll make many mistakes on this journey, but you’ll also make many corrections. And the best part about learning how to cook is the tasting. Enjoy!

If you’ve been inspired by today’s blog, please subscribe, post your comments below, and share it with your friends. Also, please add me on Facebook & Follow me on Twitter!

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Life & Relationship Coach


Sex In The Kitchen, Food In The Bedroom, Love Everywhere!


Being in a relationship is easy; it’s making it last that becomes the real challenge. Food can be used as an aphrodisiac, and can heighten the sexual experience, which ultimately leaves both parties happy, healthy, and satisfied. Food is the way to a man’s heart, and an open heart is the way to a woman’s body! With both parties having an understanding of what motivates the other to be intimate, they create a sense of peace of mind in the bedroom, the kitchen, and everywhere in between.

Food is the way to a man’s heart. Once you’ve accessed a man’s heart, he’ll do anything for you. #WinWin. On average, there are at least 3 opportunities to use food to connect with your partner: Breakfast, Lunch, And Dinner. Don’t miss this opportunity to connect, because once this need is fulfilled, that’s one less area your partner will look to depend on you. A relationship is about interdependence, so never let your usefulness expire.

-Breakfast: The first meal of the day is the most important meal of the day. In fact, it sets the tone for the rest of the day. Prepare a meal before your partner wakes up and you’ll be the first thing on their mind. A well-balanced meal not only nourishes the body, but also the mind. What better way to start the day than with a healthy meal prepared by the one you love? Make yourself indispensable by being a source of love, inspiration, and motivation that your significant other can depend on.

-Lunch: Pack a home cooked meal in Tupperware and send your significant other off to work. It’s a great way to save money, remind your special someone where home is, and curb their appetite. Thanks to your efforts, in the middle of the day when they’re ready to eat, you will still be with them in spirit. If possible, surprise your partner at work with lunch. Since they’re working, they probably won’t be able to truly show their gratitude, but will look forward to extending a special thank you later on in the evening! 😉

-Dinner: Give your partner something to look forward to. It’s been a long, hard day and it’s time to see some happy faces for a change. Set a dinner time and don’t be late. Your partner will be more likely to come home with a great attitude and on time if there’s food waiting.

Sex is the reward that’s exclusively exchanged between two people who have proven their love through their time, energy and devotion to one another. You’re depending on each other for sexual fulfillment, so make sure that these needs don’t ignored, overlooked, or pushed to the side. Make time to enjoy one another not only in the spiritual and emotional sense, but also in the physical.

-Be safe: Know your status. Go with your partner to get tested, use condoms.

-Be loyal: Respect yourself, respect your partner, and be monogamous.

-Have fun: Don’t be afraid to shake things up in the romance department. Bring food to the bedroom, bring sex to the kitchen, smile about it everywhere!

Peace Of Mind is the sense of security you get from the relationship you signed up to be a part of. Knowing that you can count on one another for spiritual, emotional, physical, and financial support is priceless. Get to know yourself, get to know your partner, continue to be of help to them based on their needs, and be able to identify when you’re not needed (i.e. Leave your partner alone).

If you’ve been inspired by today’s blog, please subscribe, post your comments below, and share it with your friends. Also, please add me on Facebook & Follow me on Twitter! Visit http://www.askcheyb.com to order a copy of Food, Sex And Peace Of Mind (What A Woman Needs To Know To Keep A Man)

Add me: http://www.facebook.com/askcheyb

Follow me: @AskCheyB

Life & Relationship Coach


Help my new book “Food, Sex & Peace of Mind” become a #1 BEST SELLER!

Visit my website (www.askcheyb.com) to pre-order your copy of my new book! Release date is set for my birthday (December 18th).

Hello everyone,

First, I’d like to thank God for life, health, and strength; without God, I have nothing. He’s done so much work in my life and is going to do so much for me that I can’t help but do things for others. I try my best to explain to my audience that the key to success is by setting, working towards, and reaching your goals, but in doing so, “giving” to others and being a blessing needs to be a part of your everyday regimen! God blesses those who blesses others. Show me a person who isn’t blessed, and I will show you a person who isn’t being a blessing.

God has shown me how to be a cheerful giver and to do so from the heart, that is why I wake up each day religiously to show my gratitude for everything God has done for me, by logging onto my social networks and being an inspiration to any and everyone who needs inspiration. I sometimes get so caught up in inspiring other people, answering questions, taking calls, etc that I don’t get to have my first meal until 5pm, but it’s ok because I’m fed spiritually and I’m full!

I’ve written a book titled “Food, Sex & Peace of Mind” (What A Woman Needs To Know To Keep A Man), and I cannot wait to get this book in your hands. It’s taken me 2 years to write it, I’ve put my all into it, I’ve listened to thousands of men and woman’s cries while coaching and beyond, and I’ve put into words some of the key things a woman needs to know to keep a man! This book is not solely about “pleasing a man”, this book talks about “you” as a woman, knowing your worth, showing your worth, how to become a candidate for marriage, being independent, switching to interdependence, how to communicate with a man, how to understand the “why” behind a lot of things men do. This book will help you completely step your game up as a woman despite how great you THOUGHT you were.

I truly believe in my heart that this book will change the lives of SO many women. I don’t have a daughter, however, if I did, I would tell her everything that I’ve put into this book. I want my 17 year old niece to have it, my sister, my mom, and all the females in my family and in the world that I care about. Not everyone was blessed to have a father who showed them how a man is supposed to protect and provide, or submit to God if he wants a woman to submit to him. Not every woman has a positive male influence to guide her and let her know that waiting until marriage is honorable and respectable. Not every woman has a man who cares for her mind, heart, and soul, and can appreciate her for more than her body.

After reading this book, you will feel enlightened, empowered, motivated, uplifted, and have a new lease on life! We all have a past; your past is for you to remember, your present is for you to enjoy, and your future needs planning, so get ready to re-invent yourself, become the best woman you can be, and you will attract the best man!

I’ve been told that I’m too young to coach relationships, I’ve been told that since I’ve never been married, I can’t give advice on marriage, I’ve been told that I “have to” have a certain type of degree or certification to help people build relationships. I say to them… GOD is in control; GOD has the authority, GOD has the power to empower, and fill you with the strength, courage, and wisdom to speak to his people and deliver his message. No man can tell you what you can or cannot do, God will tell you what you can and cannot do! With God anything and everything is possible!

I’ve been coaching relationships (officially) since January 2010, and I was doing so from a homeless shelter. At first, no one would listen because no one thought I was qualified; I asked God for the strength, courage, and wisdom to press on, and he created the “time” and “space” that I needed to fuel my mind and maximize my efforts to become a better coach. While living in a shelter, I had nowhere to be and nothing to do, and no one seemed to want to hire me. I eventually got hired, but there was a greater calling on my life, and I had to answer it. For 4 months, I spent every single day reading books at Barnes & Nobles and Boarders learning how to effectively brand and market myself as a coach.

Today, my blog has reached over 13,000 subscribers, I have over 16,000 followers on Twitter (and counting), Maxed out FB, and growing numbers on my like page and new FB profile. These numbers have been accumulated simply by the delivery of my message through positive words of inspiration. There is power in words, so speak things into existence; believe in the things you say and do; turn your passion into a source of income. I say this to show you that there is nothing that you cannot do if only you believe in yourself.

There are a lot of people who are rooting for my success! There are also a lot of people who are rooting for my failure! I’m 28, a loving father, coach, and friend to many; my purpose in life is to help you find purpose in life, so that you too can help someone else find purpose in their life. Even if you hate me, I love you; happiness is a choice! If you are rooting for me, I would like for you to help make my upcoming book become a #1 BEST seller despite all the odds that are against me. Despite all the rules and regulations people, publishing houses, and everyone else put in place. With your help (and this is very important)… with your loyalty and your support, you can help me SHATTER every fallacy in existence and help to inspire many more young, black people to believe in themselves, take control of their lives, and follow their dreams.

My goal is to release my new book “Food, Sex & Peace of Mind” (What A Woman Needs To Know To Keep A Man) once I reach 5,000 friends on my new Facebook profile. You can help simply by making sure that “YOU” are one of the 5,000 who have sent me a friend request, and also, if you’ve been blessed by any of my blogs, Tweets, YouTube videos, FB posts, etc, then become an advocate for my cause and encourage your best friend, your siblings, and the people you love to also add me on Facebook so that I can be an inspiration to them too! There is strength in numbers, so help me heal the world!

Sometimes “you” can be in the way of somebody’s blessing; to avoid being in somebody else’s way, show them the way. When you hear someone complaining about their life and about their relationship, refer them to @AskCheyB, I find joy in helping other people with strengthening their relationships, and I welcome the referrals. My book has not yet been released, but you can help me get the word out by sharing your experiences with @AskCheyB with the people you know and trust.

How can YOU help my book become a #1 Best Seller?

1) Believe in me! Trust that I am here to help others grow; support my cause in all of the following ways listing below.

2) Visit my website (www.askcheyb.com), get to know your Life & Relationship Coach, get familiar with the services I have available, take advantage of them, and also tell your friends about my services. #Support

3) Subscribe to the blog you are reading right now, share this blog with your friends, and encourage them to subscribe for great relationship insight.

4) Add me on Facebook and encourage as many people as you can to also add me so that I can reach 5,000 friends and release my book as promised.

5) Follow me on Twitter (@AskCheyB), and if I’ve been able to inspire you with my Tweets, encourage as many people are you know to also follow me on Twitter  (@AskCheyB) for daily inspiration, motivation, enlightenment and empowerment. And use the hashtag #FoodSexPeaceofMind

6) Once I make pre-orders available, purchase a copy of my book for yourself and for the people you know in your heart could use a self-help book like this. #BeABlessing

7) Help me build an audience in your city by encouraging people to connect with me on Facebook & Twitter  (@AskCheyB). I will do a 2013 book tour wherever the numbers are the strongest.

8) If you or anyone you know has a radio or TV/online show, let’s get connected; contact me via email for an interview. I would love to come on your show and talk to your audience about building relationships, and to introduce my new book. AskCheyB@gmail.com

9) Try my services and become a believer! Email me your relationship questions, and let me know how I can help you. If I’ve been able to help you with my response, post a testimonial here on my blog so that others can see the value in having a Life & Relationship Coach. AskCheyB@gmail.com

10) Help my book become a #1 Best Seller and I will share with you the steps I took so that your book can also become a best seller!

-Chey B.

Cooking For Your Lady 101 -(Coconut Curry Chicken w/Rice)

Gents, if you don’t know how to cook, you should learn how! Learning how to cook and prepare meals is a great investment for yourself, the woman in your life, your children, and even the guests who come over to your place to visit. In addition, acquiring these skills and knowledge will help you become more conscious of the food that goes into your body, as well as the prices that you’re paying to eat out vs buying groceries to prepare meals at home. While cooking may be something your lady does for you and the household, it’s always nice to get a break and be catered to for a change, and she will greatly appreciate it.

Women find men who are ready, willing, and able to cook for them to be very attractive. You can win major brownie points with your lady simply by preparing a meal that shows her just how much you care. Anyone can spend a few dollars, call and make reservations at a restaurant, order fast food, or slap together a couple of cold-cut sandwiches, but the quality time, energy, and effort that a man puts into preparing a home-cooked meal for his woman is priceless! This is a gift to your lady, so give it from the heart and have a great attitude about it. Service with a smile 🙂

Preparing a home-cooked meal isn’t just about what goes onto the plate, it’s about what comes out of you. There is “love” that goes into a home cooked meal; that loves comes from the heart and goes into the dish. Every cut, slice, and chop shows your hard work and dedication towards making your lady feel special, and she will love the fact that you took the time to do so. This gesture will require a little bit or your time, energy, effort, and money, but will prove to be well worth the investment in the long run.

When you make a woman feel special, she’ll be highly motivated to reciprocate. In other words, the more you offer to prepare dinner, the better your chances are at getting “dessert”. #WinWin Cooking can be loads of fun once you get the hang of it, and will prove to be a great bonding opportunity for you and your partner in the kitchen. You can engage one another in conversation, ask for a helping hand, and even exchange a few hugs, kisses, and rubs if it’s not hot enough in the kitchen by now 🙂

Spice the evening up with this simple, yet very effective coconut curry chicken dish (served over a bed of rice). This dish can be prepared within 30-45 minutes; you can have the meal all set and ready to go before your lady gets home, or you can spend quality time in the kitchen and prepare it right before her eyes. If you really want to score big, combine this meal with a wine of her choice and enjoy!

Coconut Curry Chicken


2 pounds boneless skinless chicken breasts, cut into 1/2-inch chunks

1 teaspoon of pepper

2 teaspoons of salt or to taste

3 tablespoons vegetable oil

3 tablespoons curry powder

1/2 onion, diced

1/2 red pepper, diced

1/2 green pepper, diced

4 mushrooms, diced

2 cloves garlic, crushed

1 (13.5 ounce) can coconut milk

1 large tomato cut into 1in chunks

3 tablespoons sugar


  1. Season the chicken pieces with salt and pepper.
  2. In a large skillet, turn the heat to medium-high and begin heating the oil and curry powder for 2 minutes. Stir in mushrooms, rep/green peppers, onions and garlic, and cook for 2 minutes (stirring occasionally). Take your seasoned chicken pieces and place them in the pan with the oil and curry powder. Stir it around and coat all of the chicken pieces with the curry oil. Reduce your heat down to a medium flame, and let it cook for 10 minutes or until the chicken is no longer pink on the inside.
  3. Pour in the coconut milk, tomatoes, and sugar, and mix it together well. Stir occasionally, cover the pan, let it simmer, then serve over a bed of rice.

Boiling Rice


2 cups of rice

4 cups water

1 teaspoon salt


1.) Pour rice into a medium sauce pan and rinse thoroughly with water.

2.) Pour water into the medium sauce pan with the rice, then add salt.

3.) Turn the flame on the stove to medium-high and let the rice boil for 15 minutes (covered)

4.) Strain water from the rice and plate. (To achieve shape of rice in photo above, use a tea-cup). Top with coconut curry chicken.

If you’ve been inspired by today’s blog, please subscribe, post your comments below, and share it with your friends. Also, please visit my new website and connect with me on all of my social networks!www.askcheyb.com

Please “like” my Facebook page located on the right side of this page!

Follow me on Twitter: @AskCheyB

Life & Relationship Coach
