#Free Advice Wednesday Question Of The Week “How Do I Start Up A Business With No Money?”












Q: I have an idea to start a business, but don’t know how to get started. I don’t have the money to fully invest in myself, but if I had a financial investor, I think I could do much better. What would you recommend?

A: Thanks for your question. You’re on the right track. You’ve got the idea, now you simply need to figure out how to market it. Even if you were sitting in a room full of millionaires and billionaires, you wouldn’t get a single penny out of them unless you had a solid plan as to how your business is going to be profitable. Investors don’t care about your great idea, they care about how you’re going to make them more money. After you’ve come up with your idea, create a business plan that shows investors who your company is, what your company offers, and how it’s going to generate revenue and grow annually.

In the mean time, use what you got to get what you need. It doesn’t cost a penny to create a professional email address, create social media accounts, start a blog or create a website for your business. Get the word out about your business by offering your products and services for free and gathering testimonials. Ask every person you network with to connect with you via social media. Collaborate with other industry professionals and tap into each other’s networks. Create a buzz of your own that radio, newspapers, magazines and TV can’t ignore. Barter services with people who have the resources to help get your business to the next level.

As your network and your resources begin to grow, always remember to give back to the community. This is a great way to not only help others, but build relationships with the people who support your business or may not even be aware of your business.

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Life & Relationship Coach



Every Woman Loves A Well Dressed Man

adda78b1c82b5f07774bdf367575dc65As you grow and mature, show should your wardrobe. When you’re a child, it’s cool to wear sneakers that light up, jeans with all types of crazy designs and hats with your favorite cartoon characters on them, but when you’re an adult, not so much. The first thing people will notice when they see you is your attire, so give them a good show. From your hair-cut, to your outfit to your shoes, be sure to present yourself as the person you want to be known and remembered as.

Growing up in a house full of boys, I didn’t know WHAT to wear. I was too busy trying to dress like my older brothers. For years, my mom would try to nip that in the bud by dressing us all alike, but as we grew older, we wanted our own unique style. If my older brothers said it was cool, then it was, and if they didn’t I would still rock it with pride, defending it to the death. I had the good fortune of getting many hand-me-downs because I was much smaller than my older brother. Once they grew out of it, I gladly stepped into it.

Finally, I got to incorporate my older brother’s style into my wardrobe which was constantly growing. Even if the clothes didn’t fit me, I would find a way to make it work. We had lots of different ways to make our clothes last because we had to. The only time we went clothes shopping was during back to school season. For the rest of the year, we knew not to ask my mom to shop for anything! We had clothes from the previous year that we would reuse until that couldn’t be used anymore.

We could cut jeans into shorts, dye jeans black, or bleach them white; whatever we had to do to make them last. We didn’t have a lot of clothes, but no matter what, we were always sharp. Especially on Sundays, my mom didn’t play when it came to our “Sunday outfit”. We were “suited and booted” each and every Sunday, all dressed in the same cut suit. People always thought that me and two of my older brothers were triplets, and I would say “No, it’s just the suits”. lol

There was a lot of pressure growing up in the NY area to dress a certain way. For us, the latest fashion was Air Force One’s, Timberland boots, NY fitted caps and the big puffy goose coats. There was nothing particularly special about these things, they simply were apart of our culture at the time. And since everybody else had them, we wanted them. My mom never succumbed to the pressures of buying into the propaganda, she would simply stick to her regular once a year shopping habits. Thank God she did, otherwise I would be a total wreck trying to keep up with name brands and such.

In fact, I didn’t even know what a name brand was until I was in the fourth grade. I remember because I had gotten my very first pair of Nike’s. I was attending a new school, and someone made a comment saying “Oh I see you’ve got name brands”. I smiled and was like “Yea!” but in my head, I thought “what in the world is a name brand”. Prior to this instance, name brands meant nothing to me, I was simply happy to have a new pair of sneakers on my feet that I liked. After school I asked my older brother Shane “What is a name brand” and he gave me the answer.

Apparently, having name brand clothes and shoes some sort of stamp of approval amongst the people who thought they were cool. From that point on, I made a point to request name brand shoes when we went shopping. Of course, when we went shopping the name brands cost much more than regular sneakers, which resulting in me settling for a pair of sneakers that had the Nike brand, but was as ugly as sin. I didn’t have any clothes to match it, they weren’t diverse and could work with any occasion and it didn’t add any value to my life. I had been sucked into the vicious cycle that many of has become victims to.

When you’re a kid, you’re not concerned with the cost of things, because it’s not coming out of your pocket. All you can think about is making a good impression on your friends at school. You don’t want the cool kids to pick on you because of your poor style of dress or worst, being laughed at by the girls. You want to feel good about yourself, and please others at the same time. During the early stages of your life, finding your own identity will be one of the greatest struggles you will face in your life.

As you grow older and mature, your values will begin to change, as should your style of dress. Your goals are higher and your network larger, your vision clearer and your confidence stronger. Over time you’ve learned how to value the person who goes into the clothes and not merely the clothes themselves. You’ve told yourself over and over how valuable you are, how intelligent you are and how good looking you are. And then as you begin to dress yourself, you tell yourself “I look even better with these clothes”.

Your style of dress will change dramatically depending on where you are in life. I’ve had the good fortune of living in New York, New Jersey, Atlanta, and Texas, an each state had their own unique style. New York and New Jersey had very similar taste, however Atlanta and Texas was a whole nother world. In Atlanta the boys would actually tuck their jeans into their socks; strange, but it was their thing. In Texas, the boys would use a ridiculously excessive amount of starch on their jeans; very strange, but it was their thing.

No matter where I lived, I tried my best to adjust based on a number of things: who I was, where I was and the people who were around me. I wanted to “do as the Romans did” while I was in Atlanta, but also maintain my New York swag. I tried my best to hold onto my New York accent, and would occasionally tuck my socks into my jeans. While in Texas, I literally used an entire can of starch on my jeans and still could not get it right. I was losing myself trying to fit in; it did nothing for my budget, nothing for my credibility and nothing for my peace of mind.

In my junior year of high school, I transferred to Saint Anthony high school in Jersey City, NJ where I immediately joined the popular basketball program. Thank God we had a uniform that we wore everyday because I did not want to have to explain to my teammates why I was tucking my jeans into my socks or super creasing my pants. I would’ve ruined any possibility of a friendship with the guys, and I could forget about getting a date with the girls. Even with our uniforms the guys would figure out a stylish way to finagle their individuality. It wasn’t enough to wear khakis, you weren’t cool until you got the ones with pockets in them.

After graduation, I moved back to Texas and attended Texas Wesleyan University, but I refused to crease my jeans. “I’m a New Yorker”, I thought to myself “and I will stick to my Air Force One’s, Timberland boots, baggy clothes and NY fitted caps. I was the MAN during that period of my life, but still growing. All of the girls at college loved the way I dressed, my NY swag, and my NY accent. Down south they treat New Yorkers like we’re celebrities!

One of the problems that I faced was when I went back to NY, there was nothing special or unique about the way I dressed, my accent or my NY swag. Everyone and their mother had it! It was so bad, that you could hardly recognize a lot of the people because they all looked the same. The same Air Force One’s, Timberland boots, White T-Shirt, blue NY fitted cap and bubble coat (if it was winter). I was a statistic and it was all my fault; I didn’t know how to dress. Even my long braids was a fashion fad that was getting old.

I tried to apply to a job in NY and they said “No braids”. I loved my braids, but I was not going to let a hairstyle get in the way of my future. I remember the day, it was June 5, 2005 when I cut them and it felt good letting go. I felt like a grown man, and not only did I let go of the braids, I let go of the baggy clothes, Air Force One’s, Timberland Boots, and bubble coats. My new closet consisted of shoes, slacks, blazers, suits, ties, button down shirts, sweaters, vests and overcoats that fit. I’ve managed to completely re-invent myself by doing away with childish things and started walking, talking and dressing like a man. I wanted to look the way I felt, so I did away with everything that made me look like a boy running around the streets of Brooklyn and started to dress like a man who runs New York.

Sometimes in order to change your life you have to change your ways; this will require a complete destruction of your old self and a reconstruction of your new self. Now, when you walk into a room people will want to know who you are, what you do and even wear you shop. Women will be attracted because you dress and carry yourself like a man of purpose, an effective leader, and a role model. You will spark interest in others which will result in exclusive invitations into their social circles simply because you appear as if you belong. Finally, you will feel better about yourself as a man because now you’ve done more than simply made an adjustment to your wardrobe, you’ve made an adjustment to your attitude, and an even greater adjustment to your life.

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Life & Relationship Coach


Life of the ‘Relationship Expert’


More and more male Life & Relationship Coaches and Experts are popping up everywhere, and I couldn’t be more excited about it! Finally, men are being the leaders they were called to be. Using their discernment to help others grow in their businesses and relationships, and applying these very principles to their own lives. There comes a time in every man’s life when he wants to do more for others, and this should be greatly encouraged and appreciated. After years of dating, in and out of relationships, failed businesses and successes, a man’s got to know something! Once a man reaches a certain level of maturity and growth, his goal then will be to graduate from the student and become the teacher.

But not everyone will be happy about a man who is finally walking in his purpose. Why is that? I read an article online from Ebony Magazine and it inspired me to touch on this topic. The title was “Death of the Relationship Expert“.

People will look to the past and recall a time in high school when a man was the class clown, or in college when he was the cocky, obnoxious, womanizing jock, or the deadbeat dad for example. But seldom is there credit given for who he, after all of those life experiences has become. How could someone with such a dark past have such a bright future? Well isn’t stepping out of the darkness and walking into the light what maturity, growth, and purposeful living is all about? Using the trips, falls, broken heart, and lost soul experiences as a place of remembrance of where he was and never wants to be. Stepping into the light was the best thing that could’ve ever happened to a man of purpose and now he wants to share that light with the world. In fact, ladies, this is exactly the type of man you would want to receive wisdom from; someone who has been there done that and/or has learned from the actions of others, and is willing to share it with you in efforts to help you avoid the struggle in your future relationships.

Anyone who has a story about their success can also share stories about their endless failures. It’s a journey that no human being can avoid, and no human being should keep to themselves. The unfortunate truth for many young African Americans is that their households have everything it needs accept for a father. This naturally causes a divide in our behavior because the life lessons that are being taught are coming solely from a woman. We need more men to be better fathers brothers, sons, friends, coaches, teachers, and leaders to give our youth the balance they need to be fully functioning members of society.

A missing father figure has the potential to cause a great deal of psychological and emotional damage both to men and women. Even more so for women because ultimately, women aspire to be with a man; one who can supersede what their father had brought to the table or the lack thereof. With no example of what a quality man of substance is, what he represents, or what it means to be loved by a man, subconsciously these questions in a woman’s mind arise:

*Why weren’t you there for me?

*Why couldn’t you just love my mother and the children you helped create?

*Why after all these years have you never called, written, or come to visit me/us?

*Why weren’t you there for my birthday/graduation/wedding?

*How can I tell if a man really loves me and isn’t just using me?

In many cases, after years of disappointment from the 1st man who should’ve ever loved her, resentment builds and the heart turns cold, and unfortunately, this negative energy is turned towards men, in remembrance of her father (the 1st man who ever hurt or abandoned her). The 1st man who should’ve taken the time to build her up, has let her down, breaking her trust in not only her father, but in men! The daughter isn’t the only one left alone, the mother is too, and day after day the two of them have built a special bond that is warm, loving, and nurturing but doesn’t include a man. They’ve kept a roof over their head, clothes on their back, and food on their table all without the help of a man. It was a long, gruesome and tiring struggle, but they’ve found the strength, courage and wisdom to make it through.

This plays a significant role in how a woman views male admirers who want to build a relationship, work together, and love her better than her father or the lack thereof ever could. It’s not that a woman doesn’t want for a man to love, protect, and provide for her, the simple fact of the matter is that for many women, they simply don’t know how to transition from living a life that never included a man, to living a life that always has one around. Who then does a woman turn to for advice on how to build a healthy relationship with a man? The mother who raised you without a man, the best friend who’s trying to figure out how to be with a man by sleeping with as many as she can, or the “male friend” who listens to your problems all the while he is waiting for a vulnerable moment so he can take advantage? There is power in teaming up with people who both want to and know how to coach you into becoming better than you already are.

Being independent is great, but there’s even greater value in working together and being interdependent. Being emotionally available enough to receive people, information, and resources can open up an infinite amount of doors that would otherwise be impossible as a single independent. So I ask, is doing it all by yourself wisdom? Is being Independent a worthy end goal? I’d like to think of being Independent as a strong beginning towards an even stronger finish! It shows that you have the skills and wisdom necessary to be a valuable player on a winning team. A player who feels they are the team can cause tension and build resentment amongst the other teammates who are looking to build with you.

Not everyone is used to being on a team, and that’s ok, this is where coaching comes in to play. A coach will show how to use your strengths to play a particular role that will benefit the entire team, also known as interdependence. When I was a teen, my high school basketball coach Bob Hurley kept me and the rest of the players in line. If we were going to play basketball on his team, we had to follow his rules! We couldn’t have braids, tattoos, jobs, or girlfriends. Our only focus was to make good grades and play excellent basketball. As a result, we were State Champions two years in a row, #1 in the state of New Jersey, and #2 in the country (2001 & 2002). Coach Hurley himself never made it to the NBA, but who knows, maybe that was never his goal. And now he is using his skills, talent and resources to coach whoever is willing to listen and receive his wisdom so that they may have the chance that he never had. We respected him as if he were our father, because for many of us, he was the father we wish we had. We learned how to be disciplined, dedicated, and completely focused on our goals, and we need more men to lead and coach others like Coach Bob Hurley.

I was blessed to have my older sister (Jordi Bostock) in my life growing up and she helped me to stay focused on school, sports, and “being a man”. Men would call and offer to take my sister out on dates, but what I’ve noticed is the standard that she would set in place in order for a man to have her time. This was a wonderful lesson for me as a young teen who was very interested in “getting to know” a woman. The only problem was, I didn’t have the luxury of hearing what the man on the other end of the phone was saying or wasn’t saying to my sister. My father passed away when I was a 1 year old baby, my mom soon remarried my step-dad, so the only example I had on how to approach a woman and be a gentleman was from my brothers, and when it came to chivalry, they appeared to be just as lost as I was.

I observed through my mother and sister how they liked to be treated, and I was open to the value in it, then used it in my approach. Had I not been receptive to the fact that my sister and mother would actually have extremely valuable insight on how to approach, speak to and care for a woman early on, I might still very well be lost. As women, they know first hand what a man would have to do in order to get conversation, interaction, and further advance with a woman, and as a man, this is information that I both want and need to know. The same applies to the opposite sex, a man can tell a woman with absolute accuracy what a man requires of the woman he plans to give his time, energy, effort and money to. If the opportunity to talk to your father about relationships has been missed, having a positive male influence in your life is a great way to get on the right track to building a happier, healthier, longer-lasting relationship with a man.

Cheyenne Bostock (myself), Steve Harvey, Paul C. Brunson, Tony Gaskins, and other relationship coaches/experts/authors could be doing any type of work. Instead, we chose to help build the community, build relationships, inspire growth and change in the lives of others, and these efforts should be appreciated. No one is perfect, we all make mistakes, and we all have a past. What’s most important is where we are in our lives right now, and how we intend to make a brighter future. We do our best to live in truth, and inspire the same in others, and we need all the support and encouragement we can get.

The truth isn’t always popular, but it’s always necessary! When talking about your future, your life and the reality of your relationship, you need to hear the truth no matter how much it hurts. Men are notorious for being insensitive to a woman’s feelings, and when it comes to coaching your life and your relationship, a straight-forward, no nonsense approach is exactly what is needed. This raw and uncut approach isn’t meant to make you bitter, but rather to make you better! The truth hurts, but it also heals. Gain a new appreciation for the men who take a stand for what’s right, what’s true, and what’s real, and encourage those who follow in those footsteps. We need more men to be leaders, and with your help, we can improve brother and sisterhood, parenthood, relationships, marriages, friendships, communities, and business. Let’s work together and inspire growth and change!

If you’ve been inspired by today’s blog, please subscribe, post your comments below, and share it with your friends. Also, please visit my new website and connect with me on all of my social networks!

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Life & Relationship Expert

-Cheyenne Bostock

5 Worst Places To Meet A Guy


1) At The Bar– Men go to the bar for many reasons. Finding love isn’t one of them. When a man goes to the bar, he’s not hoping to find a woman he can spend the rest of his life with, but rather a woman he can spend the end of the night with. The bar is a dark, loud, crowded place, everyone’s under the influence, vision is cloudy, but a man never loses sight of his mission… to leave with more women than he came with. If you want a quality man to find you, position yourself in quality places.


2) Online– In today’s times, the Internet is one of the easiest places to meet people, and for men, having “easy access” to an abundance of women is the one of the greatest benefits of creating an online account. Meeting people online can be fun and exciting, but in reality, men subscribe to this way of connecting simply because it’s convenient. Typically speaking, the more quality men of substance who are confident in themselves and their abilities will opt to put his skills to the test in a more challenging environment. Where and how you meet someone will influence the amount of effort they put in to keep that connection going.


3) At Work– It’s perfectly natural to build attraction towards fellow colleagues and even want to date them from time to time. Bringing your personal life to work can conflict with your work and potentially jeopardize everything you’ve worked hard for. If things don’t work out, it can make things very uncomfortable for you, the person you were dating, and everyone around you. In most cases, male colleagues only care to have sexual flings. If you decide to take this route, be sure to get to know each other to the best of your ability outside of the workplace before getting emotionally and physically involved.


4) While He’s With His Guy Friends– Every man loves a challenge! In many cases, a guy will chase a woman just for sport without any real intentions on advancing anywhere past the bedroom. When a man is hanging out with his buds, they’re always on the lookout for the “next best catch”, will toss out a little bait, and after he’s had his fun, will toss you right back where he found you. You ever give a guy your number, he’d text or call here and there, but never make any real plans to do anything? That’s because pursuing you was never anything he planned on taking seriously, it was just for plain sport.


5) At A Wedding– For men, the best part of a wedding is the end! The reception is where the real excitement comes; Free food, drinks, and an abundance of available women whose hearts are now wide open after witnessing two people form a life-long bond. Ironically, love and marriage is the furthest thing from a single bachelor’s mind at a wedding. He instead will be more focused on which of the single ladies volunteered to catch the bride’s bouquet. No matter whether it’s a wedding, a funeral, or any other place, never listen to a man’s words, always follow his actions.

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Life & Relationship Coach


All Men Have A Motive

Having a motive is a great thing. It shows that you have goals, a plan, and are ready to execute your plans to get what you want in life. A man’s role is to lead, so it’s extremely important for any man you are associated with to have a motive, assume the role of leadership, and add value to your life in some way shape or form. If you are associated with men who have no motive, ask yourself “why”. Not all motives or intentions are bad, but do note that all men strategically plan out the moves they are going to make well before they make them.

Men value their time and their money. One of the first signs that a man is interested in you is when he willingly parts with his time or his money. Women are very emotional creatures and make decisions primarily based on their mood(s). Since this is so, a man has to be sure to say the right thing at the right time if he plans on reaching his ultimate goal. In order to be successful, he has to position himself in an area of her life where her guards are completely down (i.e. Church gathering, friendship, business meeting, etc).

If there is no interest, chances are, he’ll send an assistant to handle business or do so over the phone, if there is interest, he will make plans to see you and interact with you. If there’s no interest, chances are, he’ll have a “hi and bye” relationship with you. If he’s interested, he’ll want to have one-on-one time where he can see you and interact with you. Spending time with a woman requires a man to be gentle, engage in detail oriented conversation, make an investment of time and money, and so much more. With no interest, he won’t be willing to make these investments.

While many women are open and willing to spend time with a man, go out with a man, and do business with a man with no romantic future in mind, men typically don’t care to waste their time where there is no chance for the relationship to grow. A man wants to marry a woman who they can be friends with, do business with, and grow with. As the leader, he has to seek this chosen one, and the probability that this woman will be someone who is close to his heart and close to his home is very high.

“Godly” men are MEN nonetheless! Male friends are male friends because of the value they see in you. They want the value you have in you for themselves; that’s the whole point of pursuing the friendship, so that he can eventually get the relationship to grow into romance. Men at work aren’t taking you to lunch because you’re just that much fun to talk to and hang out with; they’re trying to get to know you and get closer to your body. A man’s relationship status is irrelevant; if he’s willing to talk to you on the phone regularly, take you out, make house visits, etc, he will also be willing to sleep with you. All you have to do is say yes!

Friendships are better served when they have benefits. If your friendship has no benefits, it’s not a real friendship. Never allow your loneliness or neediness to land you in relationships that aren’t growing. Men who lack substance can sense and will prey on a woman’s vulnerability. To a broken-hearted, emotionally unavailable, needy woman, a man in pursuit of her friendship  may seem harmless, but that’s simply her emotions taking over. t who have discernment know better. By allowing a man into your life during a vulberable state, you’ll be setting yourself up for great disappointment because the interest was never in a broken-down woman, but rather what he could get from this broken-down woman.

No matter how successful a woman may be, a man still wants to be able to protect and provide, and will do whatever it takes to position himself independently. He’s not impressed with your success (especially if he can’t compare). He’s interested in how much he can take advantage of your success and get it to rub off on him. If there is romantic interest, he would  much rather have one hour in the bedroom than discussions about a major business contract. Yes ladies, men who have money and power would risk it all for a chance to sleep with a woman. All you have to do is say yes! If he wasn’t willing to sleep with you, you wouldn’t have the face-to-face business meeting in the first place.

A man has too many responsibilities as a leader to devote time to people and things that aren’t close to his heart, so anytime a man comes into the picture and stays in the picture, rest assured that there is interest in either sex, money, or resources. All men have a motive!

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Life & Relationship Coach


Surround Yourself With Positive People

Positive-friendsWe all have a purpose in this world; something that we were meant to do to make a difference and help make the world a better place. Each and every one of us has a special gift inside of us that makes us unique, and it’s only a matter of time before we realize what that special gift is, how to open it up, and how to share it with the world. After all, the world won’t know what you are capable of until you show them. Right? Tapping into this power requires a combination of things (i.e. Being optimistic about life, having a strong desire to positively impact the lives of others, and surrounding yourself with positive people.

If you’re the most successful person in the room… you’re in the wrong room. It’s important that you associate with people who are smarter, faster, and stronger than you so that you can learn from them and grow. It’s easy to have people around you when you have something going for yourself, however the people you have around you should have roles, otherwise they’re just taking up space, or worse, taking up your precious time. Whichever direction you choose to go in life, you want people who are with you, and who are ready, able, and willing to push you to get to your goals more efficiently.

Not everyone who is around your circle needs to be in your circle. There are some people who want you to succeed, while there are others who are just sitting back waiting for you to fail. They’ll smile at you, greet you, ask you “How’s business”, etc, all the while their hope is that you will give up on your dreams, or worse… crash and burn. They’ll be the first to critique, the last to support, and only when you start to gain momentum in your field, will they try to hop on board for their own benefit. If a person doesn’t add value to your life, they need to be subtracted from your life.

Give more of your time, energy, and effort to the people who are rooting for you, than the people who are against you. People who have no business of their own will want to get into yours; sometimes for good and sometimes for bad. Taking a step out on faith and pursuing your dreams takes a great deal of courage (something that many people lack) so be very proud of yourself. The pursuit you take to achieve your dreams and goals will sometimes upset the few who are too afraid to go after theirs, but it will inspire the many who are on similar paths.

Pursuing your dreams is a great way to weed out friends. If you want to know who your friends are, just ask for help! Your friends will make it happen; the latter will make excuses. It’s far better to have a small number of friends who are ready, able, and willing to help than to have a huge entourage of people who are just there for show. Know who your friends are, but most importantly, know who your friends aren’t. Don’t be discouraged if/when you realize that the people you’ve known for years, you’ve supported for years, etc aren’t your real friends. Use this evaluation process to discover who your real friends are and work directly with them.

If gaining success were easy, everyone would have it. You have to be willing to put in the blood, sweat, and tears required to build something from the ground up. The first person to invest in you is you. After creating a mission statement for your life, you then look for people who have similar missions and would be willing to collaborate with you so that you have a greater chance of success.

Not everyone who’s in a position to help will be willing to help, so connecting with people who are passionate about your cause is essential to your growth and development. Being critiqued, slandered, and hated all come with the territory of being successful, so be mentally prepared to handle it. Every person who has a story about their success can also share many stories about their struggles. If you don’t know how to handle negativity, rejection, etc, you’re not ready for success.

If someone has the power to make you give up on yourself, on your dreams, and on your goals, that means you didn’t want it badly enough. Never allow someone else’s negativity to affect your positive creativity. In fact, allow their negative energy to motivate you to prove to yourself that you can do all things. Turn your haters into promoters! Failure simply means that you’ve given up on succeeding. If you never give up, you’ll never fail!

Positive people are those who look to see the value in others and bring out the best in them. They care enough about themselves to care about others, and it manifests in the way they live their everyday lives. Negative people are those who look to find the flaws in others and bring out the worst in them. Avoid people who bring out the worst in you; embrace people who bring out the best in you. Surround yourself with positive people who want to see you do your best and are helping you become better.

By surrounding yourself with people who want you to succeed, you will have access to moral support, great ideas, and many other valuable resources that you might not have had otherwise. Sure you may know someone who is a genius, has access to everyone and everything, but it counts for nothing if they are unwilling to help you. If you are just getting started and don’t have a positive circle of friends/trust, a great way to open up the door for sharing and caring is to lead the way. Do unto others as you would like for them to do unto you.

If I’ve been able to inspire you with this blog, I would love for you to subscribe today, and share this blog with someone you know.

Visit www.askcheyb.com

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Help Team AskCheyB Raise Funds for Our 1st U.S. Book Tour.



What inspires me to be a Life & Relationship Coach is, knowing that the work I’m doing is helping other people grow in their relationships. What started out as simple Q&A segment on Facebook in 2011 with very few supporters, has spiraled into a brand that now inspires over 60,000 people via online social networks to love again. Based on the awesome feedback I’ve received from the people who have subscribed to “AskCheyB” in the past two years, it’s become evident that the people out there want more outlets that allow them to gain helpful relationship insight that adds value to their lives. After listening to the questions and concerns raised by my audience, I’ve written a book that addresses these very issues, and inspire hope for a much happier, healthier, longer-lasting relationship. My book is self-published and unfortunately doesn’t have the support/funding of a major publishing house, but with your donations, my team and I can organize a book tour in a city near you this spring/summer 2013. The purpose of this tour is to connect with you all face to face, and inspire growth in your relationships with my new book. This will be a fun-filled event with great food, drinks, music, live relationship discussions, and more!


I’m fully devoted to adding value to the lives of others on a daily basis. “AskCheyB” mission is to help people build happier, healthier, longer-lasting relationships.

Our goal is to reach $20,000 to cover our team’s traveling/hotel expenses, books, promotional materials, food & entertainment for the tour.

We believe that with your help, we can help change the lives of people all over the U.S. and get them excited about loving again. In return for your donations, you will receive some of the amazing perks listed on our fundraiser site listed below (i.e. A copy of my new book, AskCheyB pins, t-shirts, hoodies, 1-on-1 coaching sessions, and more, but more importantly, you will be a part of the movement that helps bring love back into our hearts, back into our homes, and back into our communities.


If you are unable to donate, we understand, but please share this link with your friends via email, Twitter, Facebook, word of mouth, or any way you can to help us reach our goal.

Thank you so much for your support! We hope to see you all soon!


-Washington D.C. 6/5

-Philadelphia, PA 6/12

-Boston, MA 6/19

-Jersey City, NJ 6/26

-Dallas, TX 7/17

-Houston, TX 7/20

-Miami, FL 7/31

-Chicago, IL 8/22

-Detroit, MI 8/24

-Los Angeles, CA 9/4

-Charlotte, NC 9/18

-Atlanta, GA 9/20

Check back for what date the “Food, Sex and Peace of Mind’ Book Tour will be in your city.

Thank you so much for your support! We hope to see you all soon!

To donate, simply click here or copy and paste the following link:  http://www.indiegogo.com/projects/food-sex-and-peace-of-mind-national-book-tour/x/2598267

Follow @AskCheyB on Twitter

Visit http://www.askcheyb.com

The Power Of Networking


When it comes to building relationships, networking is absolutely essential; almost everything revolves around who you know. Being a force in any field will be determined not by what you know, but more so by how well you are connected to people who care about your particular area of focus. This world is filled with billions of people, so there’s no need to do everything on your own; instead build a network consisting of people who are ready, able, and willing to help you move your projects forward. A solid network takes time to build, and one of the best places to start is with people who already know and trust you (i.e. Your family members, friends, colleagues).

Before you get started reaching out to others for help, take some time to reflect on who your strengths, because your usefulness will be the glue that holds your network together. Never let your usefulness expire and people will always rely on you and the value that you bring. Do not confuse people’s need for your available resources with friendship; building a network is about “What can you do for me?” It’s important that you know the value you bring because this will be your negotiating power! Knowing your value will help establish you as a go-to source for your particular area of expertise, which will help funnel referrals passed through your network.

If you’re good at something, always do it for free, until enough people respect and acknowledge that you’re good at it. Servicing people for free will keep you humble, it will help you establish valuable relationships, it will allow you to test and try your abilities and make forgivable mistakes. After studying your craft and testing it out for free, you will begin to value your time/resources more, develop a passion for it, and you’ll become more knowledgeable and confident in your strengths and abilities. After investing the necessary time, energy, and effort, you will have the attitude, skills, resources, and references to place a title that describes the value you offer.

Whatever career path you choose, be the best at it! Establish yourself as an expert, be devoted to your craft, love it, respect it, and place high value on it. When you show others that you are serious about your craft, they will respect you more, and when they approach you, they will opt to commission you, or perhaps propose a barter arrangement, as opposed to asking you to service them for free. Your attitude, your skills, and your references are evidence that you are past the paying dues stage, so build these things up as early as possible. No matter how many skills or references you’ve managed to establish, always leave room for selective charity; this is also a great way to build new contacts and expand your network.

The sole purpose of building a network with others is so that you can have access to their available resources and vice versa. Some of the keys to building a powerful network are simply being honest, transparent, and most important of all, an available asset that others can take advantage of. The more you are able do for them, the more people will want to stay connected to you. The less you are able to do for them, the less people will want to stay connected to you. Do not take it personally if/when someone doesn’t see the value in networking with you; instead use this as motivation to do an honest self-evaluation, identify with the value you add to the lives of others (or the lack thereof), and work to perfect it.

Not everyone who’s around your circle needs to be in your circle! Surround yourself with people who are already successful, or are at least working towards being successful. Having a group of people around you who inspire you to be better is essential to your growth and prosperity.  Always begin with the end in mind; set goals for your life and legacy, and this will help guide you to the right people and help you to avoid the wrong people. Life can either be a simple math equation, or it can be a complex labyrinth; if a person doesn’t add value to your life, they should be subtracted from your life.

Your network should be focused based on your strengths and your weaknesses. You want to network with people who will appreciate your strengths, and who can also help you with your weaknesses. Networking in areas that you are not valued and/or appreciated is counter-productive and will waste valuable time, energy, and money that could’ve otherwise been used in areas that will yield your desired results. Go where you’re celebrated, not tolerated!

The world won’t know what you’re capable of until you show them! When networking, it’s all about your performance; people want to be surrounding by people who bring love, joy, and resources. Attend social functions (i.e. Church, networking events, conferences) introduce yourself with a smile, and at the end of the conversation, exchange contact info. If you want to be remembered, give people a reason to remember you; stand out from the rest simply by being yourself!

You can further expand your network by creating an online presence on popular social networks (i.e. LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter). We live in a digital age now, and just about everyone who has a business worth investing in has an online presence. Create a great bio that details who you are, where you’re located, how you can be reached and the value you add to the lives of others to represent you. This profile will help you make a great impression on people you invite to view your profile as well as those who stumble across it. With an online presence, referrals are only a simple click away, and if you don’t have the time to manage an online presence, you can hire an intern or assistant to help you manage it to keep your online presence relevant.

When building your network, you will come across many people who like the idea of being associated, but are not willing to help in any way. This is a part of the game, you have to be able to detect who these people are early on, so that you can measure how/where to place them. Perhaps you can inspire them to be more giving of their services by being the first to offer your services. Life is about building relationships and leaving behind legacies, so challenge yourself everyday on ways to build and even repair relationships when necessary.

If you’ve been inspired by today’s blog, please subscribe, post your comments below, and share it with your friends. Also, please visit my new website and connect with me on all of my social networks! www.askcheyb.com

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Follow me: @AskCheyB

Life & Relationship Coach
