Men Break Women’s Hearts Because Their Hearts Are Broken By Women!

Men Are Hard On The Outside, Soft On The Inside! A man doesn’t know love until he meets a woman; since a woman births him, his life automatically begins with a “sample” of what love is! The unconditional love found between a mother and a son is not a relationship that everyone has the privilege of experiencing, however when this special bond is present, it heavily influences the way a son looks at his mother, which in turn affects the way he looks at women as a whole.

A son’s mother is his “First Lady”, and the relationship between the two of them (or the lack thereof) will explain a great deal of his behaviors towards women throughout life! A mother loves him, nurtures him, feeds him, clothes him, protects him, and would even die for him. When in the presence of his mother, a man feels safe, secure; the connection between the two is physical, emotional, and spiritual. Being in the presence of a mother who is loving and nurturing is where a man feels he is most comfortable and vulnerable and his desire in life is to find a woman who also has this special power!

Upon seeking a woman who is comparable to his mother, a man’s love path can be significantly influenced/manipulated. One of the most love altering influences in a man’s life is “the presence of another male. While a mother primarily influences her son with matters of the heart, a father primarily influences his son with matters pertaining to the mind and the body! The love that a man shows a woman is considered unusual when expressed towards another male, and this behavior is almost always rejected.

A father (or male influences) teaches a young boy how to be “tough”, how to be “a man”, how to be a “protector” and a “provider”. A man communicates with another man through his actions; he uses his words as a last resort in the event that his actions haven’t clearly delivered a message. The way that a man handles another man is no way for a man to handle a woman. It is the relationship that the father has with the sons’ mother, and the relationship that the son has with his mother that gives men the blueprint for acceptable behavior with a woman.

When a father is instrumental in a son’s life, a son uses the knowledge and skills acquired from this trusted source. When the father is not present or not instrumental, a man uses the male influences of the world (i.e. Men in the neighborhood, men in school, men at work, celebrities). No matter where he gets his teachings from, a man will have a strong desire to put these lessons to the test. The approach will differ depending on his influences, but his goal remains the same; he wants to be loved!

Character reflects one’s behavior, one’s behavior is influenced by one’s upbringing and surrounding influences. We have no control over who births us, who raises us, or who influences us, but no matter who we are and where we’re from, as humans we all want to be loved. Since a man is trained by other men to wear armor around his heart, he looks for a woman whom will allow him to finally put his guards down.

Think of it as a game of “Are you my mother?”. Men are constantly on the search for a woman who reminds him of his mother. First, he must see a woman of interest with his eyes, then he must feel a woman interest with his heart, and then connect on a spiritual level. Before a spiritual connection can be made, he has to build up the courage that his father instilled in him and say “Hello, my name is…”. If the love that he shows this woman is reciprocated, this could possibly be the end of his love search! If the love that he shows this woman is rejected, this could be his very first experience with heartbreak from a woman outside of the home.

A man who is showered with love from his mother grows to also become loving to other women. His loving/nurturing nature is instilled in his mind, body and soul. Due to the relationship he has with his mother (1st Lady), “rejection” from a woman is an uncommon reaction that causes pain and builds up resentment. It is the rejection clause that causes a potentially loving man to mistreat women.

Don’t let a man’s exterior fool you; Men are hard on the outside, but extremely soft on the inside. A mother is a man’s escape from the dark, cruel, cold, hard world, but as an adult, he looks to find this escape with a woman he can call his own! This world is a cold, dark, and lonely place to be if you’re a man, which is why a man will endlessly look for a woman to shine her light, brighten his day, and add warmth to his life.

Each time a man is rejected, a knife takes a stab to his heart and causes emotional damage. Society isn’t aware of these emotionally setbacks because he’s wearing his protective armor in efforts to appear strong, tough, and independent! And he is indeed strong, tough, and independent, but this poses a problem when it comes to being “vulnerable”. Being rejected so frequently by jobs, social clubs, and women causes a man to become emotionally unavailable and shut down that part of his existence.

Rejection is motivation to become better at becoming accepted! In the event that a job, social club, or a woman that previously had rejected him later accepts a man, the initial resentment caused by being rejected will still remain. This “attitude” will cause him to seek revenge for the emotional distress he experienced when he was rejected. When a person is used to being treated with love/nurturing care, experiencing the opposite causes a disturbance in one’s peace of mind.

Women are a source of love, but not every woman is ready and willing to give it. When a man approaches her, his desire is to receive love (on one level or another). Based on his upbringing, he may or may not know exactly what to say, how to say it, or what steps to take in order to continue to be in the favor of a woman romantically. By being rejected, he then learns what doesn’t work, but he continues to live his life not knowing what does. In addition, this new rejection will add to the resentment he’s built up and stored in his heart towards women.

With countless male influences always available, his new advised approach will more than likely be to work on his physique, his finances, and his material goods (i.e. Swag). Swag will get the women, but a good heart will keep her. But matters of the heart aren’t a conversation that a man has with another man. The less female influence a male has, the less he will understand what it takes to get and keep a woman. The more female influences a male has, the more he will understand what it takes to get and keep a woman. As a positive solution to male-to-female interaction, we must communicate with one another in efforts to help build happier/healthier relationships with one another.

With communication comes understanding, respect, and reverence for one another. By opening the door of communication you welcome the opportunity for friendship, companionship, and love. By closing the door of communication, you leave enemies, burned bridges, and hate waiting on the outside! Every human deserves to be treated with dignity and respect. Don’t allow your emotional state to negatively affect someone else’s. Be consistent with loving yourself and everyone else!

Being Emotionally Available

Being Emotionally Available Being in a relationship requires that two people “share” their worlds with one another. They share their mind, body, resources, and more in order to help one another grow as a couple. In order to attract the best person that will fit into your life, you first have to work on being the best person you can be on the inside and outside. When you love yourself, you begin to feel good, and the energy you give off will attract other happy and loving individuals. If you can find love and happiness inside of you, you’ll never go a day without it. Many times in our lives, we search to no end for love in many different aspects of life (i.e. Work, relationships, sex, material things). Instead of searching “outward” for love, search “inward” for love. If you’re looking for love, hold up a mirror!

When you find love and happiness within yourself, you know exactly what it feels like. So much so, that you know when you’re giving it to others, as well as getting it from others, or the lack thereof. When you solely rely on an outward source for love, that love does not belong to you, it belongs to the provider and can be denied and/or stripped at any given time. If that source of love dies, abandons you, or recognizes that you are dependent upon it’s source and decides to abuse their power by depriving you of love, you leave yourself vulnerable to heartbreak and anguish. By loving yourself, your source of love/power lies within you and will never die, leave you, or forsake you! Make loving yourself an everyday regimen for the rest of your life. Wake up in the morning loving the way you feel, look in the mirror loving the way you look, and finally, open up the front door prepared to love the rest of the world!

Loving yourself is an inside job that starts in the home. If loves dwells in the home, you’ll be more careful with who you let in, you’ll cherish it/protect it, and your heart will always have a place to revive itself whenever in need. Your home is your place of peace, your escape from the world, and your comfort zone. The things you place inside should be anything that brings you love, joy, and happiness (i.e. Music, pictures, food, interior design, fragrances, etc). If the world and the people in it treat you cruelly, you’ll always have a place to go as a reminder of what love & happiness feels like. As tempting as it may be to stay home and embellish in all the goodness this love environment has to offer, remember to spread love to others once you find it in yourself. Finding yourself and loving yourself is a journey.

For many, finding love will require redefining what love is as a whole; this is due to severe emotional damage caused by previous distributors of love in the past (i.e. Parents, ex’s, friends, etc). Love is something that you do and feel; once two people feel loved and show love, it becomes evident that they are in love with one another. Love feels good; you’ll know you’re not in love with someone else when it starts to hurt. When whatever you’ve associated with love becomes detrimental to your health, it needs to be removed from your life. When you remove someone or something from your life that hurts, you leave more room for someone or something to come into your life that helps. You have to love yourself before you can love someone else. Having love for yourself, as well as others instantaneously adds value to your life and the lives of others, therefore establishing your worth.

Finding and loving yourself takes precious time and it cannot be rushed or interrupted by others looking to convince you of what love means to them. Finding yourself means you’re not looking for others. On this journey, you want to figure out what feels, looks, tastes, smells, and sounds good to “you”. Avoid any outside influences; use this time to enjoy being alone and figuring out what’s best for you and your life. Throughout life, you will come across many people who will hurt you intentionally and/or accidentally. People you’ve lived with, shared secrets with, shared the most precious years of your life with will have all had a hand in your heartbreak and disappointment over the years. By removing this pain from your heart, you’re allowing room for pleasure to come in. Pain has a way of remaining in the heart for as long as you give power to its source.

If something is causing you to be unhappy, locate the source, and eliminate the source of power. You can take away any and all power from its source by “forgiving” others for any pain they’ve ever caused you. By clearing your conscience, you no longer have a reason to think about unhappiness or the people who caused you to be unhappy. Love & happiness is a magnet! People are attracted to people who appear to be happy either because it reminds them of themselves or of where they want to be. Friendship is the key to building up romance; romance has the potential to lead to a committed relationship; a committed relationship has the potential to lead to a life long commitment (i.e. Marriage).

In order to establish a true friendship with someone, there has to be love and happiness inside of you that attracts them. If your inner beauty is dimmed, your outer beauty will be the only thing left to shine. Your outer beauty is what will get people to come; your inner beauty is what will get people to stay. Continue to work on being the best person you can be, and you’ll attract the best people. Being emotionally available means that you’re ready to love and be loved by someone else. Always remember that relationships aren’t for everybody; relationships are only for the ready. Repair and restore your heart before making it available to another. If someone you love doesn’t know how to take care of it, learn your lesson and stop giving it to them.

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Life & Relationship Coach


How To Let A Man Know You Are Not Interested (Without Burning A Bridge).

Straight men are natural born hunters! Success is measured by one’s ability to reach his/her goals! With this in mind, men have a tendency to set goals primarily in two areas (finances & women). When it comes to financial security, a man has two choices a) Find a job or b) Create one. In the event he is dependent on an employer to hire him, he will have to do everything in his power to plan ahead for the best possible results, but also be prepared for non-acceptance in the event the employer doesn’t currently have a place for him at the company, or simply does not see the value in adding him to the company.

NOTE: Non-acceptance simply means you were not accepted. Rejection means that it is actually communicated that you were not accepted and that the possibility of you being accepted in the future are limited. Non-acceptance keeps the door open for future possibilities.

In the mean time, he can put on his best suit, put together a great resume, and try to make a great impression upon the introduction or interview for a better chance at achieving his goal (i.e. Getting the job). While on the hunt, he should apply for many other positions and exhibit his strengths in hopes of landing the job that’s suitable for him. His expectations of the places he applies should be low, and his hopes should be high! Many employers accept applications and keep them on file in case they ever need an individual with these particular qualities/strengths at a later date. Employees come and go, therefore, they’ll need to have qualified candidates who are enthusiastic about joining the company ready and available in the event that the relationship with current or former employees hasn’t worked out. By rejecting an applicant, you lower the moral and desire to be a part of that company now and forever!

The same applies to personal relationships. If you are a woman of substance, you will constantly receive “applications” from admirers who would like to have a position in your life. There’s always a position to be filled, so keep all of your applications on file. You never know when you’ll need a personal trainer, a chef, a web designer, a photographer, a mechanic, a promoter, a DJ, etc, but it’s great to know that you not only have one on file, but also that this individual has an interest in you and is likely to be motivated to assist you in any way possible, just so long as you make them feel as though they are a part of your life. When men show interest in you, this is proof that they see you as someone of value, and that they are there on their own accord. These are the type of individuals you want on your team for love and support (whenever you need it). The last thing you want is your life or company to be filled with people who “you” may like or admirer, but they themselves don’t actually want to be there.


Go where you are celebrated! Leave the men who don’t celebrate you to themselves. There’s a “myth” going around that “There are no good men left.” There are millions of good men left. The problem is in most cases, women have a particular type of guy in mind, and a “good man” doesn’t land at the top of that list. In fact, you can find plenty of good men if you rummage through the long list of men you’ve placed in the “Friend Category”. Most women won’t admit it, but good men don’t offer the challenge you need to keep you interested. You prefer a man who’s a bad boy whom you can turn into a good man!

Be consistent with your character! You will come across “applicants” whom you’re simply not attracted to romantically, and that’s fine; we all have the right to be selective. Be clear from the very beginning where you stand, but remember to always treat him with dignity and respect in doing so, and be honest. The reason for treating people whom you encounter with dignity and respect is 1) It’s the right thing to do!!! Always treat others how you would like to be treated. 2) You never know who a person is, what they do, or how they can change your life. Influential people come in all shapes and sizes, they dress for many different occasions, and they appear on every corner of the earth. So handle the homeless man on the streets with the same dignity and respect as you would the President of The United States.

Be honest “now”, and people will always respect you”later”! If a man shows interest in you and you tell him “I’m in a relationship” or “I’m married”, that’s not the same as “No, thank you. I’m not interested”. Your relationship status can change any day, and by using your relationship status as a scape goat, you give him “hope”! And with hope… rest assured you will continue to hear from this guy, see this guy, and he will indeed constantly inquire about your current relationship status in hopes that he can somehow find a place in your life.

Relationships aren’t for everybody! Relationships are for the “ready”! With this in mind, you are not obligated to “play ball” each and every time a man shows interest in you. What you can do is, offer an opportunity for you to talk more and get to know each other better as friends. Friendship is the key to having a longer lasting relationship. If you can start there, you both will have the opportunity to see the value in being a part of each other’s lives, or the lack thereof. By denying a person this access, you cut off the possibilities to find romance, to network with him and the people & events he may be affiliated with, and to build a new friendship. When meeting new people, you don’t lose anything, but there’s no limit to what you can gain if you take the time to figure out what value this person can add to your life.

Your personal contact information (i.e. Your email address, phone number, Facebook, Twitter, other social networks) is just that… “personal”. This information should only be given to the men you would possibly like to have a personal relationship with. If you’re in business, give only your business contact info to eliminate any and all ambiguity. Once you give a man your personal contact info, you are giving him hope, so choose wisely who you would like to give this hope to, and refrain from giving this access to men you never want to see or hear from again.

The introduction is everything! If a man approaches you with dignity and respect, then he may be someone worth keeping in touch with. There is power in networking! Your network is should be filled with people who have an interest in you and/or your endeavors! The challenge for you should be to turn this person who’s interested in you romantically to show interest in your business, your events, your projects, etc. Turn him into a loyal customer, and you’ll have an idea of how loyal a person he can be. If he passes the test, keep him in mind for a better position in your life. If he fails, keep him where he’s at!

By rejecting a man, you eliminate any and all possibilities! His moral will be so beaten down that the initial interest he had in you will be gone… and replaced with slight resentment! A man who resents you is less likely to support your interests, your ideas, your business, or be there for you in a time of need. Life is about building relationships and leaving behind legacies! Rejecting men won’t add value to your life or his. Instead of rejecting the men who show interest in you, respectfully decline his advances/proposals while still being open to a professional or platonic relationship. If the presentation/introduction is anything less than respectable, by all means, close the door. For everyone else, leave the door cracked!

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“Fear”… the thing that stops us from pursuing our dreams and succeeding.

“Fear”… the thing that stops us from pursuing our dreams and succeeding. Each and every one of you has a dream, an aspiration, a goal, but for many… it stops “there”. You tell everyone about what you would like to do, and everyone tells you how great the idea is, and that they can’t wait to see you make it happen, and then you never follow through. You know exactly who to call/email, you have the knowledge and the experience, you have the passion, but there’s something that’s hindering you from  pursuing your dreams, and that thing is nothing more than “You and your fears”.

You’re afraid to be vulnerable, afraid to be rejected, afraid that no one else will understand or appreciate your vision the way you do. Afraid that you might not be able to live up to all the hype you’ve built up about yourself and your vision after all this time you’ve been “working on your craft”. You’re afraid to ask your friends and family members for money and support. Afraid to ask that DJ to play your song in a club where hundreds of people can hear your music and possibly become a fan. You’re afraid to take a chance on “your” dreams and you’re too proud to ask others to take a chance on you.

Social networks have become very addictive, we practically “live” on them, gathering thousands of friends and followers. Everyone knows your mood for the day, and how much drama is going on in your life, yet none of your friends and followers know about your dreams and aspirations. You share your vision with people who will pat you on the back and make you feel better about yourself, but in no way can help you achieve your goals. Those individuals are your safety net, they provide you with “comfort”, and seldom make you face harsh realities or push you towards actually making the things you speak of become a reality.

Better to share your dreams with people who can and will add value to your life, and to ask them to help you reach your goals. When you reach out to people for help, the most you will get is a yes, a no, or a maybe! <<< This is one of people’s biggest fear, but it’s one of the things that has to be overcome. We’re in a world filled with millions of people! Why carry on this vision alone? Don’t be afraid to ask for money, support, or even a position. Be prepared though, for the possibility of receiving 100 “No’s” before you receive 1 “Yes”. Being told no is a blessing in itself! It gives you the space and opportunity to think about why you were told no, and to figure out a way to (at a later time) re-evaluate your pitch/presentation/proposal and get a “Yes” from that very same person.

Take your dream(s), and completely remove “fear” from the equation. When you remove fear, you get “love”. Love is the absence of fear. Love your ability to bake/cook, to minister, to do make-up/hair, to take pictures, to tell stories with your music, to coordinate events, to design clothing, to paint, to help others, or whatever your field of expertise is, and share your vision with the world! When people see that you believe in yourself, it gives them reason to believe in you.

If fear is something you struggle with today, I would like for you to try this exercise:

Imagine you have one day left to live, and the only thing that could save you is if you pursued your dream(s) to no end, as if your life depended on it. How many text messages would you send? How many phone calls would you make? How many doors would you knock on? How many “friends” would you purposely not reach out to? How many hours of that day would you devote to sleeping? How many people would remember the pitch you gave them because they saw the hunger in your eyes and heard the passion in your voice? Use every day you have to live to pursue your dreams so that you can live your dream!

Life & Relationship Coach
