Black Men: Plan To Be A Better Father

For years a man can live his life irresponsibly, and for a while, it’s exciting and feels worthwhile to live life without a worry or a care. But there comes a time in every man’s life where he decides he wants more for his life and his legacy, he wants to be a contribution to society and add value to the lives of others. These epiphanies normally come when he’s experienced some sort of tragedy in his life that humbles him (i.e. Death in the family, a bad break-up, loss of a job/place of residence, etc). One of the most powerful influences that drive a man towards maturity and growth is Fatherhood.

A mother/son relationship is the closest a man will ever come to experiencing unconditional love; that is until he meets his first child. When a child is born, he/she knows no one except for the people who are there, and that child inevitably grows to know & love those two people as their parents. When a man stays connected to his child, it becomes almost impossible for him to disconnect; once he feels the unconditional love his child has for him, he’ll never want to let it go.

Men are capable of completely disconnecting emotionally while being active sexually with a woman, however pregnancy and the birth of a child are very emotional places for a man. When considering the well-being of a child, it’s important that the parents have an ongoing happy/healthy relationship with one another that’s filled with what I call “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Relationships” [Respect, love, trust, honesty, loyalty, support, and communication]. No matter how the two of you feel about one another romantically, there is a bigger picture here, and you have a moral obligation to provide the best life for your child together.

Being sexually active with someone you’re not in an exclusive relationship/marriage with can be an extreme risk factor for a woman, and should be avoided at all costs. A man who is not connected to a woman romantically will not be pleased with the idea of him having to access his emotions to nurse her through pregnancy, raise a child, and love the child. The shattering of his plan to simply be casual with her will forever leave a bad taste in his mouth and will build resentment. This is an unhealthy space for a man to be in when considering the well-fare of the child.

The power of Love through a child can certainly change a man’s mind not only about the kid, but about himself. Who better to blame for becoming a father than himself? Each day he looks at his child, it’s a reminder that “Youare accountable for your actions, whether you’d like to be or not. If you don’t like the position you’re in, change your direction and continue to move forward”. The child whom he once thought was a curse can turn into a blessing once he sees the value in fatherhood; a life changing blessing that allows him to see who he really is and where he wants to be.

There’s no running away from a child who looks just like you, behaves like you, and wants to know where you are, what you’re doing, or when he will see you again. Instead of running from his responsibilities, he looks his kid in the eyes and lets him know, “I love you, and I will always be here!” What started out as a young man living his life selfishly with little to no direction, stemmed a man who has now discovered a new purpose for living! When it comes to his child, he shares his time, his money, but most of all, he shares his love!

It’s for this reason many men who want nothing to do with the child’s mother opt never to see the child. He’s afraid of the natural love connection that will occur between a father and his child, so he avoids it at all cost. A man who has decided to only have a casual relationship with a woman will not be filled with joy after hearing the announcement of a pregnancy, but instead filled with outrage, and in some cases will flee.

Side note: It’s important to first build a solid friendship built on love and trust before making yourself accessible to someone emotionally/romantically; this process will allow you the time you need to truly assess a man’s character. As a woman, you have to protect yourself by legally binding the man you give your body to (i.e. Marriage). Men don’t fully understand, value, or respect Love, but they do understand time and money, so make sure the man you’re sleeping with is investing both. Child support/alimony/jail time are things that make perfect sense to men, and they want to avoid them at all costs; use these tools to protect yourself against abandonment.

Being an active father in your child’s life doesn’t only do wonders for the child, it does wonders for you as a man! You have an opportunity to be an influence in someone’s life; someone who will value and appreciate your contributions. Some men think having a child will slow them down or “stop their flow”; on the contrary… this child will upgrade you by encouraging you to associate with people and places with higher standards.

Instead of going to a night club, being a father might prompt a man to organize a family gathering. Instead of having a regular guys night out, a father might call up his guy friends who also have kids and make a fun filled day of socializing with old buddies and watching his kid build new friendships. Instead of going grocery shopping and buying snacks and goodies, a father might take his son to the kitchen and teach him how to make frozen ice pops with 100% juice, make homemade cookies from scratch, or how about making “Smore’s” over the stove…

There’s only one key ingredient to being a better father and that’s simply “being a better father”. With all of the fun activities a father can provide for his child, what matters most to your child is that you’re “there”! Take him to a high school basketball game; he won’t know whether it’s the “Saint Anthony Friars” or the “L.A. Lakers” playing. All that matters to him is “My Dad took me to a basketball game”! Take him to a park and challenge him to throw a football, baseball, or a Frisbee to you, tackle him to the ground as he tries to score a touchdown, and then lie there as you describe what the clouds are shaped like. Don’t just throw your kid into summer camp to keep your child busy, figure out ways to form a special bond with your child.

There isn’t enough money in the world that you can wire into an account that could replace the one-on-one experience, interactions, and life lessons a father/son have when you’re present in a child’s life. Your child needs to know that although you and his mother are separated physically, you’re all still connected spiritually. He needs to know that you are grateful to have a son, and you are grateful for the one woman who loves/cares for him unconditionally. He needs to know that you’ll always be positive role model in his life, and you’ll always be there for him.

Yes, love the mother of your child (even if/when you’re not together); this is the first woman your son will fall in love with. Show him how to treat this woman, so he’ll know how to treat all women. A child may or may not have been a part of your diabolical plan, but nevertheless, that child ishereand he’s here to stay, so get used to it. Any animosity between you and the mother of your child should cease and desist for your own personal growth & development, but most importantly for your child’s.

Always be a positive influence in your child’s life; make him proud… but also make yourself proud.

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Life & Relationship Coach


Black Women: How Loving “Your” Hair Can Attract A Man!

There’s nothing like a beautiful black woman! Her full lips, her curvaceous body, her attitude, and let’s not forget… her hair! A woman’s hair is her “crown”… it is the order in which a man begins to assess her character, her personality, and her value. Oh there’s much more to hair than just fibers; a man can tell a lot about a woman simply by looking at what she does with her hair or the lack thereof. There’s an abundance of things a black woman can do with her hair; she can cut it all off, braid it up, shave the sides, rock an afro, wear a Mohawk, straighten it out, curl it up, the possibilities are endless!

Oh how beautiful it is to watch your lady taking good care of herself, washing her hair, patting it down with a towel, nurturing it, styling it, and being proud of what she’s accomplished right there in the comfort of her own home. I can remember plenty of nights where I would flirt with my lady telling her to stop what she’s doing so she could take care of me… but she would put me on hold because she was busy taking care of “her”. That kind of discipline is beyond attractive in a woman; she knows how to take care of herself, which is a great indication of how well she could potentially take care of her man!

A man might not always be able to run his fingers through a black woman’s hair, but it’s nice to be able to at least touch it, play with it, and occasionally get rough with it, and know that she’s ok with it. It’s a bonding opportunity between a man and his lover; a spiritual and a physical connection that he introduces to the relationship that might not otherwise be possible through hair that isn’t her own.

Oh how sexy it is for a woman whose had dreads for 5, 10, 15 years, and yet and still she’s able to attend every function with a new/different style beyond your imagination. People stare as the woman who’s always had long hair went completely bald. The men stare in admiration… Some of the women stare with excitement that another sista has” come back home”, while others stare wishing they had the guts to make such a bold statement. TV and media has certainly had a huge influence on what “beauty” is and what it means to us, but true beauty will always be in the eyes of the beholder.

When it comes to men, what’s important to him is how much you love “yourself”, because what you do for you (or the lack thereof of) is suggestive of what you can do for him (or the lack thereof). If you don’t like something as simple as your hair, therein lies a deeper psychological issue that’s beyond his control. When it comes to “issues”, men simply don’t want to be bothered or concerned. Consequently, if he is indeed your significant other, he’ll more than likely be subjected to eating the cost associated with somehow finding a solution to your “Hair drama”. What would really make him happy is for you to look in the mirror and be pleased with what you see on any given day.

How can a woman or a man say to you, “I love your hair!” if your hair is someplace hidden under a bone straight Chinese hair blend? How can you say, “Thank you!” to a compliment such as that if in all honesty your hair is braided up, miserable, neglected and dying to be loved and cared for? When you free yourself of false images, you will also free yourself of false people, which in turns welcomes men and women into your life who value and appreciate who you really are because you value and appreciate who you really are.

Side note: The fastest way to eliminate a problem is to address it. If the solution to your hair problem is “covering it up”, then the actual problem will inevitably resurface again in the future. The more you like/love what comes naturally, the less you’ll have to outsource for alternative solutions that don’t. Love yourself!

Not every woman has reached that point in their lives where they feel 100% comfortable in their own skin, or with their own hair, but when that woman finally comes out of her shell, it’s literally like, “WOAH!!!! I don’t know WHO you are, or WHERE you came from… but I LIKE it!!!” At first a man can’t quite figure out what it is about her.. but then it hits him and it it hits him HARD! He’s so used to black women covering up their natural beauty that he forgot just how beautiful a natural woman is! This new energy stems from a combination of her beautiful face, her curvaceous body (of course), her hand made jewelry, and the way she’s rockin’ her natural hair with so much “Swag”!

Definition: Swag– Confidence, Charisma, and Sex appeal.

Nothing is sexier than a woman who can pre-approve herself. She can do something to her hair knowing/feeling that it works for her even if no one else approves. I’m from Brooklyn, so I see these gorgeous Goddesses on a daily basis (Thanks be to God). Dark skinned, brown skinned, caramel and light skinned; more and more beautiful black women are getting back to them. They’re putting a strong focus on themselves, loving every part of them, from their nails, to their skin, to their hair, and by gosh we’re even experiencing a change in their attitudes.

Not every man will appreciate a woman’s natural beauty, but I say if a man has a problem with your natural hair, it’s probably due to his conditioning, not yours! It’s all about “you”! Enjoy taking time to yourself, researching ways to treat your hair with TLC, use this as an opportunity to bond with yourself, or as women like to call it… “Me time”. Going natural isn’t just about a “look”, it’s also about a “feeling”! Getting back to your roots is a spiritual journey that will further connect you to yourself as well as other men and women who have also found themselves and love everything about the person that they see!

Going natural is symbolic of freedom, liberation, elevation, and growth; it’s BIGGER than hair! Getting back to you is the perfect start to reclaiming your life, your relationships, and your legacy. It’s easier to be open to love and being loved when you first love yourself, from the crown of your head to the soles of your feet. It’s clear to a man when a woman truly loves herself; it’s even more obvious when she doesn’t. A man needs a woman who is capable of loving herself unconditionally and independently, so that she can produce the same quality of love interdependently. If you’re looking for love, hold up a mirror! Love the person you see.

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